Marathon levels?

Started by emomissionkid, July 18, 2009, 01:48:37 PM

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I was just wondering how a marathon exactly works. In marathon 3, there's cool's and regrets which change the levels and are based on performance, but what exactly does it measure? Also in marathon 2, d how do you get to higher stages before reaching level 999?


You get a cool to clear a section in certain time and you get a regret if you take to long to clear it. If you get a cool you get one grade higher, on the other hand if you get a regret you get one grade lower. Check the wiki for more info about TGM
It's all about the love


Here's the Cool/Regret section of TGM3 on the wiki if you want to see the specific times.

In addition to netting you a grade, if you get a a cool, you will essentially skip a section (100 levels = 1 section) in the speedcurve and the game will get faster more quickly. The max number of cools you can get is 9. If you think about it this way, there are actually 1800 levels but the game stops getting faster at 1200 (which you can reach at level 600 if you obtain all 6 cools up until then). If you get a regret, it won't demote you to a lower speed though (you just won't get a speedup, or a gradeup for that matter).

And by stages, I assume you're referring to the grade system (S1, S2, etc.)? If so, they are a rough measure on how well you are playing. Playing fast and making tetrises are the general rule of thumb. You can look at these pages for the specifics.

TGM2 Master Grading  (Marathon 2 on Blockbox)

TGM3 Master Grading (Marathon 3 on Blockbox)

Feel free to ask about anything if the wiki is confusing to understand.
