Blink vs that SAMAF guy..

Started by hurtchow, July 26, 2009, 08:31:24 AM

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I forgot his name. gimme a broken nose.

How'd it end? Did you win? Watching you guys play was insane. There must have been a lag on safari's game, because I couldn't see him doing anything to send garbage to you. I remember in your first game, Blink was building in the bottom quarter of the screen and he said "he's a defensive player" and then he got KO'd just like that! I had no idea what happened.

Stuff like that has happened to me on Tetris Party before. I'll be playing some one who keeps it really low to the ground and then suddenly my screen is filled with garbage. What's the deal with that?
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music:


hahaha safari guy!  lol idk!  i wasn't up! :'(


 It's Samaf! On TOJ, he goes by M2SK. I changed the title for you.

The final score was 10-15, SAMAF.   Yeah, Samaf's defense during this match was insane. On many games, blink would hold the Back-to-back bonus for lightning quick 5+ chains and Samaf wouldn't even budge. He was making very efficient use of combos to counter and delay garbage. In one game, his stack was right on row 20, but he delayed the garbage for 5+ lines and got down. A lot of the garbage spilled over onto offense. He would push Blink above the halfway point of the field and keep him there. On many occasions, Blink would downstack a ton to only end up at the same field height again.

The scores would have been a lot closer had Blink not made some awkward misdrops in several games where he could have won. I remember in one game, Samaf had a fairly screwed up field at the top and Blink was at the bottom. Blink made two or three misdrops and Samaf turned the whole game around in the space of 5-10 seconds and ended up topping blink out with a combo. You really have to finish him off when you get the chance because the guy just refuses to die.

By the way, we usually record whatever is streamed so if you missed USA vs. Japan, go watch it now on our Ustream channel!


I remember it being 25-15 Samaf.. Games were great though definitely entertaining


Yeah, 25-15, how did I mess that up? Not enough sleep I guess.


Darn I missed it. Guess I'll just watch the replay right now. I'd like to see a rematch live. - for free online games and MMOs!


get your shit together jt!!


One thing I noticed about Blink's play was, he doesn't use S/Z-Spins much, especially when he's on the top quarter of the screen.

It was a great game to watch tho' =3


i would just like to say that I won today on the rematch, 25-9   .  Hopefully I can keep this up next time I play him.  Replay is on the ustream recorded videos.


me vs Samaf live @ 9:30 PST on TOJ via the live stream on the main page.


we in dat a**, baby! USA! USA! USA!

Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


great games both of you. it was a lot of fun to watch. some of the games took forever, but i guess 42 games in an hour isn't too bad. you guys are killing yourselves playing first to 25!


wheee 25 - 17 victory, replay here: .  we play up to 25 because we only get to play eachother like once a week, when he's not working.


Samaf has asked me to play @ 10PM PST tonight so he can stream to his japanese fans on nicovideo lol, he usually gets around 70 viewers.  If anybody is bored around that time come check out the main page because I'll be streaming it here as well.   I'll try my best to make you guys proud, but I have a bad feeling because i've been playing too much TF live lately.

I read goobzilla's request about exhibition matches and I think I can set one up if any of you guys want to play.  Let me know if you want to play with us next time.

Edit* Result 25-10 USA!


alright its been a long time since the last one because I've been busy working on the site.  But next one is in 5 minutes.

Edit * Result 20-14 Blink over Samaf