what needs to be changed in the Tetris guideline

Started by jujube, June 29, 2009, 04:55:02 PM

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For modes like 40 lines, it would really be nice if you could not start with the S/Z/O pieces.


I'll reiterate what I said on TC.

If the following were commonplace in authentic Tetris games, there might not have been a Lockjaw:
  • Full description of scoring system in the manual. If it looks too complex when written down, it probably is too complex.
  • Option for fast DAS.
  • Encourage developers to add replay support.
  • Other randomizers, so that "opening theory" isn't emphasized as much. Compare Chess960 to standard Chess.
  • An endless mode that starts decreasing lock delay after 20G, in addition to the existing 200-line and 25- or 40-line modes seen in games like Tetris DS.
  • Allow users to script the tetrion to develop training exercises.
  • No region lockout. If possible, give everyone a chance on the same products no matter the country.


Let's try this for a rough bash at what garbage should be:

0/1/2/4 (there is an argument for a tetris only doing 3 lines, but 4 is generally accepted these days).
Twists (defined as the piece locking in a position where it cannot move left right or up) send an additional line.
If the previous 2 pieces also cleared lines, then send one additional line.

In summary: No back to back. No escalating combo damage. T-spins can now be done by any piece, but do half damage.
It is only when you open your mind, that you will be able to see how beautiful the world is...


I don't think much will be changed no matter how much we complain. I think there is always going to be a "normal" mode that is the marathon/survival mode now, but we can hope for a "master" mode (probably would be called something different to avoide being accused of copying TGM).

If you add a time element into each level and you lose or gain points depending on how fast you go would balance a lot of the game out. Tetrises are a lot faster than t-spins and the time bonus could make up for the point difference.