
Started by goofer, June 27, 2009, 02:07:16 PM

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Hola. Im 24 years old, live in Holland and since like 8 years or so addicted to tetris, somehow this game does not get boring even after all this years. Other games do, so i hardly play any other game as they are a waste of valuable tetris time;) My favorite tetris still is tetrinet1 (tetrifast) >(blocktrix) (will  always be;) for the rest i used to play cultris and since a few months some blockbox so now and then. my obsession to tetris expressed itself for example in going to some tournaments in other countries =d
A second passion of me is cycling. I try to cycle as much as i can in my sparetime next to tetris /study and work ;d      



Quote from: goofer
i hardly play any other game as they are a waste of valuable tetris time;)

damn right.


Long-distance or shorter-distance cycling. And on roads or in velodromes?


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Long-distance or shorter-distance cycling. And on roads or in velodromes?

long-distance on the road. Distance for competition between 80 and 180 km


Quote from: goofer
long-distance on the road. Distance for competition between 80 and 180 km

I have a friend who does that sort of stuff for the University team. He's pretty good.


cultris is sooo not a waste of time. rewrite your message hfmp!


Quote from: MzSlowmo
cultris is sooo not a waste of time. rewrite your message hfmp!

It falls under the tetris category, dont worry!


Quote from: goofer
It falls under the tetris category, dont worry!

pshh!. cultris is unique thats all, more excitement!


goofer is a beastttt
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: Corrosive
goofer is a beastttt

damn right
It's all about the love