Please don't be like Tetrisconcept

Started by hova, June 29, 2009, 03:53:45 PM

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Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Seriously, you trying to troll people at all, or did you just never actually read any of the threads on TetrisConcept? Start backing up your arguments with proper evidence or I'll ban you for being a troll.
I'd like to see you do that! If you can that is...

Just kidding! ^^
LJ 40 lines 00:44.63 135.77TPM - 100 lines 02:01.95 - 180s 41.700
TGM GM 10:42:66 - 20G GM 10:28:00 - BM S9 - REV S4
TAP Normal 480736 - Master [url=


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Sorry, but you're talking crap there. TTC was respected? By whom? There were entire threads devoted to what they should do to change their games, and how shitty they were.
We liked Arika because their games are awesome. And it's not their fault that foreigners can't play their games - it goes back to TTC again who only let them have the licence in Japan. It'd be stupid to hate Arika because someone else wouldn't let them release their awesome games elsewhere. Arika could not easily got the licence for non-Japanese releases, because Blue Planet Software has it, and they're not going to give it up for anything less than a small fortune.

TetrisConcept seemed to be where most of the emulation scene happened, and where most of the clones came up. Some clones, such as KGM, were made by TC people, and others like Texmaster had TetrisConcept additions. All the Blockbox marathon modes were created based on TGM games and using the help of TC members. It was a TC member who bought TAP to have it emulated.

There was a thread titled "Fuck Arika". There were plenty of links to clones, except for TGM_NDS because we were explicitly asked not to by the game's creator. The only way originally to get Texmaster, greatest TGM clone ever, was via TC.
Arika can release if they want to. Through XBLA, PSN, WiiWare and easily on PC. yes "only in japan" but still buyable through loopholes.
and too bad all your clones where miserable. remember lockjaw, lol.
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]hurr durr troll durrr ban hurrrr durr durp troll durp hurr durr.[/quote]
i see alot has changed from Tetrisconcept...


closing this topic for its uselessness and emulation/rom talk.