Started by Jtadore, November 24, 2009, 11:39:32 AM

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Hello Everybody, Hello Players, Hello Addicts, Hello Pros.

I though yesterday..
what am searching in tetris ?

its only drop drop drop fastest as possible, or stack a lot for to be proud when im alone in the party ?
or maybe see how my team is strong or make a big combo for One Shoot players ?

well.. after 10 years of Tetris, im a bit bored by all Tetris online.
Of course, im happy when i see new stuffs like TFO or Cultris 2.

But i think its not enought for play together all.
Everybody will not be happy of this game actually and i thought and if i  can imagine my Tetris in my dream !

I love MMORPG: like Rohan, Continent of the ninth, Tera(i tried in korean) etc..
and Tetris of course  

That's why, i have imagine a Tetris RPG !

in first : its a real program like tetrinet, quadra or cultris not a game on browser like BB or TFO
in second : need a really good protect against cheat and software for play faster .... like hmm .. well u know..
and third : you have your character who can level up !

the land .. a world of cube with differents continents.

you can imagine 2 differents factions : angel and demon ( like always   )

in first you must choose if u will be an angel or demon. ( register , password, etc.. )

and after you have to level up your character to find a team ( guild in rpg )
and complete mission or quest ( like on TFO )
but u can imagine some missions with your team vs bot or demon (if you are an angel), puzzle, etc..

in differents continents, the modes of play will be differents, like combo add (cultris), clean game (quadra), reverse partyfield (dont remember the name of this tetris) etc... with some effects like survival or earthquake ( bonus from tetrinet )

and still solo game with challenge for win some points of JOY for angel or misfortune for demon ( thx google traduction --' )

or u can just play for fun and find some friends and choose a mode for play together and talk about nothing  

and .... and ... and .. a lot of things again, but i havent time for this.
i dont know if ill be alive when this game will be online.

but i like this idea.

have you something to add at this ?


Jtadore as JT

PS : i know my english suck, dont tell me " you need study english in first"  


first: you need to study some english first....  jk lol  i always make mistakes mostly becuase im trying to type so fast..

anyways i love the idea, sounds like a game for a console like the wii ect..
but it would be pretty cool if this was online also. how did you come up with this? and dont tell me when you dream about tetris  


Quote from: Hoothow did you come up with this? and dont tell me when you dream about tetris  

after 10 years of differents tetris ( tetrinet , tetrifast , quadra, cultris, BB, TFO)
and differents video games RPG and MMORPG ( Warcraft, Command and conquer, Rohan, Shaiya, C9, Dofus)

trying a mix between rpg and  tetris for make a new next generation of Tetris.

-evolution of your account/character
-evolution of your community by your team/guild
-make some job/work in game for level up your dexterity

-add some puzzles and special effects like reverse game or bonus/malus (like tetrinet)
differents theme of your background (depend of your continent and the stage in the mission or quest),
and music theme too.

-secret stage against legend of tetris or admins.

-personal profil and team online.

-configuration of your personal option (config key, delay speed, block option at start, theme of block)
everything player ask.


This idea sounds aweesomeeee!

Also, if you need ideas, TOJ has some "level up" features like more piece previews, faster soft drop, etc.
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Quote from: Anonymous
"level up" features like more piece previews, faster soft drop, etc.

oh yea its a good idea too.
and u can unlock some new song, sound, theme block, price and command in chat like a the famous "slaps with a truit"  


Something like Yohoho Puzzle Pirates?


Quote from: tepples
Something like Yohoho Puzzle Pirates?

yes, a bit but more focus on tetris and the different tetris mode.

you see, ofen this 10 years.. i saw a lot tetris-like tetris from game boy to TFO or Cultris by some rare X-tetris or Tetris in 3D.

and i imagine a game with all style of tetris together in differents continent, and u need to level up and play with your team for finish it and unlock others special world.


Quote from: Jtadore
oh yea its a good idea too.

No, that's a terrible idea, I HATE being denied access to gameplay elements (specifically the useful ones) just because I didn't yet shell out enough money or put more time into the game. Levelling up to access more skins/music/etc? I can live with that, levelling up to gain access to faster soft drop, customizable DAS, garbage with more holes, in other words anything I need to be able to compete with the best? No, and I think MANY here will agree with me on that...

(disclaimer: I don't play MMORPGs)


Quote from: SecretSalamander
No, that's a terrible idea

still agree with you