
Started by L2R, October 04, 2017, 10:37:48 PM

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Hey, been playing the tetris on nulpo for about 9 months now, have got my time down to 1.03, my aim (though I doubt I'll ever stop playing), is to get to 40 seconds, 1 line a second.
It is a strangely great feeling beating my previous personal best so I guess that's why I continue. The forum seems a great place, and have been trying to learn some finesse though seems a bit tricky to me atm (how do I time whether dasing is quicker than tapping if they will be milliseconds apart?)


Hey L2R welcome!  Tbh from 1 minute to 40 seconds isn't impossible, especially considering you've only been playing 9 months. My finesse is pretty bad too, hopefully someone else can chime in with tips.


The best tip imo for self improvement would be finding someone to go against in your journey to lowering your times in Sprint 40L mode. Finesse will help of course but don't worry too much about perfecting it right now basing this off of your Sprint time (you just want to be consistent in where you place your pieces, the stacking basically...)

Watching videos of other players faster than myself sprinting helped motivate me to push myself to practice more which helped me improve greatly. You can do it, 40 seconds will be yours (you will eventually be able to distinguish what the most efficient piece placements and or routes are) Soon when you begin to play more it's easier to understand what happens after a line clear before clearing it and this is called *visualisation*.

Gooood luck!
Just an Irish tetris player.


Thank you guys. My pattern recognition and efficiency in piece placement is improving by the day, my 20l record is 28 seconds, and have 1.8 PPS with a worser time so I know I'm getting there.


Finally passed the 1 minute mark :-)


Quote from: L2R
Finally passed the 1 minute mark :-)
Congrats- 1 minute is a huge milestone!


Only gets easier after passing sub 60! Keep at it! Are you using dual rotation consistently?
(using both 90 degrees left AND 90 degrees right)