
Started by poopmo, November 01, 2014, 06:48:47 AM

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Quote from: poopmo

DISCUSS (before Vince and Jkwon ruin Tetris Ultimate with a 1000 smurfs)



How To Kill
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]In essence, a great player kills by his presence. When entering the playing ground, his opponents feel beat already. He will never turn down a challenge. He will never complain about a loss. In defeat he will be unfaced, congratulating his opponent and moving on to the next game. In victory, he will offer a rematch unless his counterpart was badly outclassed, thank his opponent for the contest and show no condescence. This has everything to do with the myth of the player. A person switching nicks every two weeks will never develop this clout. Its power is often underestimated. This is why players in a successful clan win much more, and why adding a tag to your name can improve your play. Simply, you will regard yourself as larger than life, and so will your opponents. Even a fairly bad player will eventually develop a reputation, and his wins will be noted.[/quote]


I love to go on tetris friends as guest on 2p not on arena and smurf, and there it won't save your games cause your on a guest account, and your not against a live person, it's more relaxing then competitive


Quote from: poopmo
I for one hate it. I'd rather not play a smurf but in some games like TOP it has become virtually impossible. Why do I hate it? Cuz it makes forming rivalries impossible. When someone beats me, I want to know who beat me so I can get back at them next time. On TOP however the average length of an account seems to be 100 games before it disappears and a new one pops up. Making it impossible to form these rivalries.

To me this really prevents the game from ever having a solid community and even makes me want to play less. If u support a game and love it... u make an account and stick with it. I get that sometimes people get a little tired of competing and want to smurf, but on TOP its really becoming ridiculous and snowballing out of control. Besides ZeroT I havent played a legit name in weeks. All these smurfs seem to be so serious about tetris, want it to be an esport but are then too scared to compete even on the most basic level... grow some balls u pussies!

I can't be the only one frustrated by this. Whats ur opinion on smurfing? Should it be allowed or not? Is it even an issue?  etc.

DISCUSS (before Vince and Jkwon ruin Tetris Ultimate with a 1000 smurfs)

my opinion with smurfs and I've not seen the other comments yet, is that the true players and pros wont have smurfs unless they forgot their account name/pass so i make rivalries with the good/true players.
Some players just won't ever play you because they think you're not good enough which is sad but reality.
2, nobody is going to smurf tetris ultimate, much less play it at this point in time.