Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]

Started by Blink, January 22, 2017, 01:29:29 PM

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The only special thing about this tourney is that someone (probably Blink) has reached out to Simon and asked. Technically ICL isnt an official tournament, even though the lineup is just as strong.

The other tournaments were bots were given out, it was also cause Simon was asked beforehand.


Im sad to tell you Jes, i was the one contacting Simon and asking. I know you wished to not hear that from me  But i guess i did something good for this tournament then!


yeah it's a win-win situation for telling simon about the server so that the tourney won't be delayed more seriously, and you have more means to contact him, gj


I did not understand what you tried to say about me having means of contacting.

But i did contact Simon about prizes and when the server was down for everyone's sake.  So yeah, i did a great job on that, i think organizers agree on that.


Lower Bracket FINALS ProMouse vs r3hab:

Result:  [spoiler]ProMouse > r3hab 2-0[/spoiler]



Just an Irish tetris player.


Final match: Sunday 11:00 am ( gmt -3 )


The winner of Hard Drop Open VIII has been decided. It's been ...

[spoiler]Martin! Congratz!
He beat his younger sister Delfina (ProMouse) 11-7, 10-12, 11-5
So Martin gets a bot with an image of his choice. ProMouse gets a bot with the default T block image.
Here's a Twitch replay (stream by sad/cn, commentated by twirler/apm10 & iljain)
edit: and a Youtube video:

I have also recorded one without commentating in the unprobable case somebody prefers that. Will be up in a half day (slow internet)
edit: here is said video
I will also write a tournament recap (summary) in the news section sometime.


Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Youtube videos will be uploaded some time (I also recorded one without commentating in the unprobable case somebody prefers that). I will also write a tournament recap (summary) in the news section sometime.

Congratulations to the winner!

I borrowed z2sam's YouTube account and uploaded the recording of my stream here:


Hard Drop Open VIII summarized

Playlist of all recorded matches
full brackets

brackets of later rounds:
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