TOP line clear delay cheat/patch

Started by Blink, June 27, 2014, 10:14:37 PM

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Quote from: Blitz
Quote from: meow
Note that the Wonderland version sends 8 lines for a perfect clear instead of 6.
I did not know that.
Quote from: Alexandra

cheater cheater pumpkin eater.
so people are messing with the attack table?

so anyone using the wonderland has had an unfair advantage all this time.


not calling people who used it unknowingly, a cheater. just the person who wrote it. =_= can't unintentionally change the attack table.. just saying.
Playing without line clear delay is a far greater advantage than being able to send two extra lines with a Perfect Clear. Many players have been playing with an unfair advantage since before I released TOW. I did what I did to make this advantage more widespread. If more players had the advantage, more players would be playing on equal terms.
Back then I thought the removal of line clear delay was only about having a speed advantage. I later realized that it also affected the game balance in a way that I didn't think of. Combos became stronger. Combos were initially being held back because they had more line clear delay per line being sent than other attacks. With the line clear delay gone --> combos OP, but that's another topic.
I would never have released TOW had I known how much it messed with the balance.

Yeah but someone knew and someone changed it. im not going to lie that ive had instances where i play someone and it seems off? but i never knew why. but this makes room for a lot of possibilities. i actually thought that some people had changed the attack table but i never had evidence to prove it (because im too competitive to actually watch my players' line sends and just let them take games off me).

which is kind of why i wrote, a post to wojtek.. hinting/asking him to lock up the code or whatever..

if you say it wasn't you, it wasn't you. but whoever you got that from, knew what they were doing.


Quote from: meow
Quote from: ohitsstef
Quote from: djackallstar
Quote from: Blink
It's been brought to my attention today that many players are using a patch to remove all line clear delay from TOP.  Since this gives an unfair speed advantage, I'm making the file public here so people who aren't aware of it can play on even ground.

This should have been made public to the entire Tetris community long ago, yet this is the first time I've even heard of it.  To me, keeping this to yourself IS cheating and would be no different than if someone removed line clear delay from Tetris Friends.  I'm disappointed.  Where is the honor?
The file you're looking for has been moved or deleted.
Does anyone have a backup?

Yeah! Patch isn't there anymore. Does anyone else have it?
Also can I get the patch to remove the sparkle line clear effect?

If you want the separate no line clear delay and no sparkles patches for whatever reason, you can find them in the TOP FAQ thread.

Note that the Wonderland version sends 8 lines for a perfect clear instead of 6.

I tested this in FFA and it sends 6 lines to all. Haven't tried in 1v1. I'm against this attitude of players that everything should be customizable. You see it in discussions about TU, nullpomino... People dont seem to realize these little things like line clear delay have a big impact and can drasticly change the "meta" of a game. TF for instance requires a very different play style then TOJ.


Quote from: Alexandra
if you say it wasn't you, it wasn't you. but whoever you got that from, knew what they were doing.
iirc, there is no way to modify the attack tables client-side short of memory editing.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
Quote from: Alexandra
if you say it wasn't you, it wasn't you. but whoever you got that from, knew what they were doing.
iirc, there is no way to modify the attack tables client-side short of memory editing.

Hey Xael, you're right.

Sorry for the drama, Blitz and all.  

I was mistaken because I had seen a line that said AttackPerfectClear = 80, and it was reinforced when I did PC (with a combo or doubles etc.) and saw more lines sent.


Quote from: meow
Quote from: XaeL
Quote from: Alexandra
if you say it wasn't you, it wasn't you. but whoever you got that from, knew what they were doing.
iirc, there is no way to modify the attack tables client-side short of memory editing.

Hey Xael, you're right.

Sorry for the drama, Blitz and all.  

I was mistaken because I had seen a line that said AttackPerfectClear = 80, and it was reinforced when I did PC (with a combo or doubles etc.) and saw more lines sent.

drama makerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

meow im disappointed in you.


Quote from: meow
Quote from: XaeL
Quote from: Alexandra
if you say it wasn't you, it wasn't you. but whoever you got that from, knew what they were doing.
iirc, there is no way to modify the attack tables client-side short of memory editing.

Hey Xael, you're right.

Sorry for the drama, Blitz and all.  

I was mistaken because I had seen a line that said AttackPerfectClear = 80, and it was reinforced when I did PC (with a combo or doubles etc.) and saw more lines sent.
i'm surprised we both still exist

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.