Hi, Marie G here

Started by MarieG, November 25, 2015, 06:07:51 PM

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I've been playing Tetris for about six-weeks I started playing Tetris online, then I found out the championships were for the NES version, so I bought one. for more info see  "my  Best Tetris memory" on my profile. Within two days I beat the highest score on the cartridge, 01000 and then I doubled it. My used cartridge had a problem though; it forgot my score if I turned the NES off. Of course I end up pulling the plug out of the wall with my shoe   so you guys are just going to have to trust me. I promise I'll get a Photo on here ASAP. I've gotten good enough that it stops giving good pieces on level two, so I've cheated and skipped levels. Why I play video games is to feel competent.
Which is ironic because I have Cerebral Palsy, witch limits the  types of games I can play well. For example  games that require you to be really fast or have a lot of block jumping. (Sonic the Hedgehog Marble Zone Act II is as far as I can get which is twice as far as I used to be able to get) so how do I do the higher levels of Tetris? you ask. Well for starters I start on the level I got to the last time I played which as of right now is level six. Until I can get to level seven starting at level six I "have" to start at level six.  This is the fairest way know to do it. But you have to stat at level nine to do the qualifying round for The CTWC. and I need help. more on that in my Tetris forum post.


Hi Marie!  

Here are some resources for NES!

NES guide video

something useful for NES

I'm not super informed on NES to be honest but I'm sure there are other users like catfiend the jerkface that would be willing to help you out!


welcome to hard drop marie
btw i like your user name it really rolls off the tongue

☠ MicroBlizz


Hi MarieG,

The NES version of tetris resets the highscores after you power down - all the cartridges will do this unfortunately. You are very accomplished to have beaten the default highscore in there - that involves getting past level 5.

After level 2 or 3 the game will try and only give you pieces that make you die so you are very good to have made it all the way to level 6.

I'm fairly certain the number of people who can start on level 9 successfully must be very low - they are world champions and less than 20 compete each year!

Good luck on your quest to level 9!!

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Well, yes starting on the highest speed level you can handle is the best way to getting used to even higher speed levels. You can also start on level 10+ by holding down button A while pressing Start to start the game. For later levels you must move and rotate the piece simultaneously. To survive on level 19, you should also learn to keep holding down Left and Right D-Pad keys (using autoshift) instead of tapping them. If you haven't figured out the mental technique for classic Marthon yet: Always know where to put the active piece when it  enters the playfield. While the active piece is falling down, you try to find a good spot for the next piece and almost never change your mind.


Welcome to HD Marie!  I just bought a NES and Tetris cartridge as well after seeing the championships.  Haven't touched it yet, but looking forward to improving alongside you this Winter.


Tetris High Score (for me)  I know most of you can get higher scores then this but when I do get 999,999 I want to see how far I have come.