Profanes Retirement thread

Started by Profane, September 01, 2012, 03:45:57 AM

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Quote from: IceClaw247
Cod does nothing for your brain but fill it with violence, tetris is constructive and actually uses your brain. Your argument is invalid
Your argument is also invalid. I spent most of my childhood playing huge amounts of first person shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament and it didn't fill my brain with violence.

gtfo this thread before I hunt you down and find you and kick your ass.


Um no mate my argument is valid, no where did I say that playing shooters was bad; I don't mind them but that's all that they do is influence your brain with violence. Subtle as it may be it's a fact, you are influenced to a degree, some people more than others. I was stating the fact and your reply is most concerning, it just shows that you have a childlike and immature mind; grow up and get a life mate.


Quote from: IceClaw247
Um no mate my argument is valid, no where did I say that playing shooters was bad; I don't mind them but that's all that they do is influence your brain with violence. Subtle as it may be it's a fact, you are influenced to a degree, some people more than others. I was stating the fact and your reply is most concerning, it just shows that you have a childlike and immature mind; grow up and get a life mate.

i think he was making a joke



Quote from: IceClaw247
your reply is most concerning, it just shows that you have a childlike and immature mind; grow up and get a life mate.
Lol, my post went over your head so fast that I heard the whoosh from where I'm sat right here.

But seriously, if you think that playing violent games fills your head with violence as a person, then I think you're incredibly wrong. All of my friends grew up playing first person shooters and we've yet to assault or murder people so far over ten years' later. It make make you a dumb abusive little Xbox live CoD kiddie, but it's probably not going to fill your head with violence in a way that'll actually matter. Certainly not games like CoD anyway - there's really not a lot of hardcore violence in there. It's not a huge amount different to playing cowboys and indians or having water-pistols or whatever as a kid.

Claiming that games where you use guns and shoot people makes you violent is like claiming that playing games like Burnout and Gran Turismo make you unable to stick to the speed limit. And if you could please explain how saying FPS games "fill your brain with violence" isn't "saying playing shooters is bad", then I'd be interested to hear.


I gotta agree with Rosti on this one, it is just propaganda that was created by the media to stir up concerned parents back in the early 90's, around the time they created the entertainment software rating board (esrb was created shortly after the craze). You are far more likely to turn out to be a violent person if you grew up around violence as a kid. So in short, someone who was raised in a good home with parents that teach their kids the right values there is almost no chance violent video games will have an effect on the kid (with special exceptions, kids who have a mental illness) and in that case who is to say violent video games were the trigger for their violent behavior?


Tetris fills my head up with blocks of multiple colours. X_X

Edit: And makes me have bad dreams where I set up a TST, but never get a T-piece.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


annnndd heres proof. And I hear that StS
Video game MYTHS debunked.
1. The availability of video games has led to an epidemic of youth violence.
According to federal crime statistics, the rate of juvenile violent crime in the United States is at a 30-year low. Researchers find that people serving time for violent crimes typically consume less media before committing their crimes than the average person in the general population. It's true that young offenders who have committed school shootings in America have also been game players. But young people in general are more likely to be gamers â€" 90 percent of boys and 40 percent of girls play. The overwhelming majority of kids who play do NOT commit antisocial acts. According to a 2001 U.S. Surgeon General's report, the strongest risk factors for school shootings centered on mental stability and the quality of home life, not media exposure. The moral panic over violent video games is doubly harmful. It has led adult authorities to be more suspicious and hostile to many kids who already feel cut off from the system. It also misdirects energy away from eliminating the actual causes of youth violence and allows problems to continue to fester.

2. Scientific evidence links violent game play with youth aggression.
Claims like this are based on the work of researchers who represent one relatively narrow school of research, "media effects." This research includes some 300 studies of media violence. But most of those studies are inconclusive and many have been criticized on methodological grounds. In these studies, media images are removed from any narrative context. Subjects are asked to engage with content that they would not normally consume and may not understand. Finally, the laboratory context is radically different from the environments where games would normally be played. Most studies found a correlation, not a causal relationship, which means the research could simply show that aggressive people like aggressive entertainment. That's why the vague term "links" is used here. If there is a consensus emerging around this research, it is that violent video games may be one risk factor - when coupled with other more immediate, real-world influences â€" which can contribute to anti-social behavior. But no research has found that video games are a primary factor or that violent video game play could turn an otherwise normal person into a killer.

and here is the link.


theres no future in competitive tetris
anyone thats played this game for long enough understands this


Quote from: Shizi
theres no future in competitive tetris
anyone thats played this game for long enough understands this
didnt read anything else but this, but it is the truth. MAYBE if nullpo league gets some sort of official sponsorship (not in a million years will this happen) but pretty much no other way.


Quote from: Shizi
theres no future in competitive tetris
anyone thats played this game for long enough [and has put time into another game with a strong competitive scene] understands this
ftfy, imo

Though in fairness of response to Corrosive's point, there's no future in competitive CoD either any more.

Quote from: perfectclear
MAYBE if nullpo league gets some sort of official sponsorship (not in a million years will this happen) but pretty much no other way.
Aside from the fact that you're putting the cart before the horse there somewhat (sponsorship is more likely once it becomes a big thing, rather than before), I think you'd still have to overcome things like:

- Whether people want to watch Tetris (debateable)
- Whether people who play Tetris are likely to switch into a competitive scene
- Whether people who play competitive games would see Tetris as a game they'd like to move into

Really most people don't see Tetris as a serious game, and until that kind of stigma get overcome it's unlikely to ever get a decent-sized competitive scene imo, because it doesn't currently attract the kind of players that would fill a competitive scene to begin with. People see FPS games, fighters, RTS, MOBAs as competitive, but not Tetris. And TTC have little incentive to change that common viewpoint because they're making plenty of money with the way Tetris is currently marketed - as a casual multiplayer game at best.


You liarrr
but it's a good thing you lied
why would anyone retire from Tetris?!


You owe me a match, homeslice.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.