Hello from Germany / Issues

Started by Dark8Dragon, September 03, 2013, 07:45:13 AM

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Hello everybody, my name is Richy and I am from Germany, really enjoying playing tetris!
I created an account on harddrop mainly because of an issue I have with my account on tetrisfriends.com.
Unfortunately I didnt find the proper thread for my problem, so I hope that it is read here in the introductions.
(Sorry for that!)  

I already created 2 accounts (Dark8Dragon + Dark88Dragon) in hope to get a verification email. I have tried it more than dozens of times, clicking "verification" on tetrisfriends for 2 different email-addresses but I havent received any email since today.  

Its really frustrating, I dont know what the problem is... Can anybody help, pleease??

(Great site by the way, never thought people could get so incredibly good in tetris.)  


Hi Richy, welcome to HD.  If your e-mail has a spam box check there because it might have been filtered.  If there's something wrong with TF's e-mail server there's not much we can do about it here.


Do you use a @web.de e-mail address? I also had those issues with Tetris Friends and some other bad programmed web sites (e.g. KingOfStackers). So try another e-mail address. ... Or play Cultris 2 - you won't have that problem there.


@Blink: Thats a pity, I wonder why other people can verify their email-adress. I hope this problem will be solved in some time. Of course I checked my spam filter, more than only once.  

@Integration: Yes, I tried a web.de and a gmx.net adress. With the gmx adress I am even connected with facebook. Hm 2 accounts are more than enough, probably a 3. account would not work as well, and I have got already some "nice" scores and a lot of plays with my 2nd, Dark8Dragon account.

Is there a possibility that I can verify in future?

Thank you very much for your fast and kind reply!


You can go to Profile -> Account Settings.

There you can change your e-Mail address without losing your progress (progress is unimportant IMO, you just need some rubies for tunings, you get rubies by watching short commercials). There, you can also decide to send out another verification e-mail. But as said before, I don't receive the verification e-mail for my @web.de address (but I receive it for my other e-mail address). Perhaps, Tetris Friends ignores the words "web" and "net".


I made a new third email-account on freenet, and nothing happens here as well. Hm i guess it cant be helped. It sucks that i cant be in the leaderboard or chat with anybody in the arena nor make any "friends". It seems to be that I am nearly the only one, cause you can find hardly anyone in the internet with the same issue. But thanks for your help @Integration. One more question: Are you from Germany and if yes which other email provider did you use?


Freenet also contains the word "net". Could be the same bug. E-mail verification isn't that importatant anyway . At least, I haven't discovered what it is good for. It seems you cannot send messages to friends, only the time you make the friend request.

Yes, I am from Germany. I used @live.de (hotmail).


WOOOOW, it finally worked. I used an american yahoo.com adress and got the verfication within a second!  
Die Server scheinen wohl was gegen die Deutschen zu haben, Datenschutzgeschichten oder sowas vielleicht, man weiss es nicht genau... Und kein web, kein net und schon gar kein .de ^^


Good to hear. I think the problem is rather that The Tetris Company isn't aware of the problems people from other regions encounter.


Yes, you are probably right about that. By the way, I have also created an account for playing cultris 2. Thats a really nyze link you gave me there, I really love the challenges, like WTF or Ruggu, pretty creative ideas they got there. I am totally addicted to Tetris again after years not playing it ^^