The Four And A Half Year Challenge: BEATING BLINK

Started by solo2001, October 23, 2009, 09:43:16 PM

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Do you think that I can do it?

32 (28.1%)
61 (53.5%)
"Perhaps, considering your personal score vs. the allotted period of time its plausible that... wait! no, there's no way."
21 (18.4%)

Total Members Voted: 115


Quote from: solo2001
I'm sure it has. But seriously dude, what's your problem with this thread? Am I smutting up the pure and holy nature of the HD forums? How is challenging yourself and sharing your progress with the community [and if that's your problem, remember, you don't have to read this thread for fuccks sake!] in any way a bad thing? Isn't the point of building a Tetris community to inspire people to get better at Tetris? To GROW the community?
no i don't think this is helping to grow the community. i just read the entire thread and i have to agree with S2K on a lot of things. you take an attitude with anybody that won't agree with you, and you seem to be more concerned with the number of views than motivating people to beat Blink. it has a lot of views because it's been around for a year and keeps getting bumped.

the general nature of the posts were positive early on, but it seemed to change a lot when you decided to keep the challenge going after TF allowed DAS upgrades. understandably, S2K (amongst others) didn't agree with that decision:
Quote from: solo2001
Quote from: Someone2knoe
This is totally invalid if you are using custom DAS, custom AR, ihs, or irs. Because Blink made that old record without any of those things.
The original goal is to beat Blink's time of 37.24 seconds on Tetris Friends. It says absolutely nothing about DAS/AR or any of that sh**. Read the first post.

Oh, and thanks for congratulating me on this accomplishment.
and if you look early on in the thread, S2K was supportive and gave good suggestions. i don't think his recent posts are indicative of his nature. you can't get short fused with someone that simply disagrees with you, and expect this not to turn into a flame thread.

anyway, harddrop allows you to keep a blog, and that being the case, it's my opinion this type of personal challenge belongs there. you have never responded with motivation or help to others who have taken up your challenge, so it is purely personal. other people have done similar things in their blogs. i hope you do that and keep your challenge going, because there's no reason to stop after a year.


dude cmon, as if you havent beat this WITH all the tuning upgrades already...
when you started this challenge i was at 1:30 on TF, and i passed that 37.24 time like a month ago.. (with das and ar upgrades).
☠  crzy242


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]i don't think his recent posts are indicative of his nature [/quote]

In all seriousness I started trolling when I realized this wasn't a thread for improvement, it was just for attention and getting views. I don't mean that in a negative way but that is just what it is.

If I really felt that he was trying hard to beat Blink's record and did it in a legitimate way I would have been supportive (but still realistic) until the end. It gradually changed into a joke, and so did my posts.

In the beginning I didn't think it was possible even with hard work. My opinion has changed, I think this challenge could have been completed with hard work by someone without using features that were unavailable to Blink at the time.

P.S. Even though I am nowhere near a troll in real life I enjoy doing it on my free time~


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Telle me that this thread will be closed. I believe that this is the last day


 don't revive the thread

EDIT: Oh today is his ban day lol


lol wtf @ mai

i don't think solo's going to get banned ~ and it would look bad if blink did ban him over this thread. you keep replying to it, and feeding to the purpose of the thread from the start - he wanted attention and you're giving it to him. plus i don't think you're in any position to troll on solo, he's better of a player than you are. speed wise at least, i haven't seen him play versus/free for all before. he probably is a better player though.

anyways it's to bad he didn't achieve his goal (wtf am i on?),  i didn't think it was possible from the first place anyway, sorry solo. but hopefully you keep playing tetris.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


lmao nice thread title change.

and thanks man!
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's