Sunday ( April - 14 ) C2 Team Quickfire Tournament

Started by vipjun, April 12, 2013, 06:30:11 PM

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Cultris 2 Team Quickfire Tournament:

New Earlier Registration starts 11 am - 11:45am

Time : SUNDAY 12noon EST

time zone conversion:

Tournament will last approx 1:30 - 2 hours.
It seems we always start the event 15 - 30 min later, we'll try cutting off the registration at 11:45 instead to allow appropriate time for match making and team forming.  People who register after 11:45 may be allowed or wait listed depending on how the brackets are formed.


(Teams will be formed randomly. So you don't need a preformed team to enter)

Swiss-system (First to 15)
The top 2 teams with the best record will play in a final match.

How to Sign Up
Just show up on Cultris 2 30 min before game time and say REG
All are welcome to participate, no sigh ups necessary.
Only sign up if you can commit to playing all the matches in the span of the next 2 - 3 hours since having a player drop will effect the whole teams eligibility to continue on.

We hope that by randomly assigning teams, players will get to know one another and work together there by strengthening the community.

Misc Info:

Team selection & participation
-Teams will be randomly selected out of all participants
-Some teams may have 1 extra player if we cannot divide everyone up evenly.
example: If 20 players enter, It will be a 3vs3 team tournament.
We will have 4x teams of 3 players and 2x teams with 4 players.
Every team member must play in at least half the matches.

-It is expected that some teams may be stronger than others because of the randomization. This is why we decided on a swiss system. Every team will play an equal amount of matches (except for the finals match) and there will always be at least a few good close matches for your team.

Future Events
-We plan to run this event at least once every weekend.
-Events at a later time may run a slightly different format such as pairing teams composed of 1 stronger 1 medium 1 weaker player. For now we are still undecided.

While a little rivalry is expected, please refrain from personal attacks on other players. Belittling of players on your own team is NOT acceptable.

Match Reporting & Assignment
We will be using to pair teams.
Each team will have to report their match scores so we may have a decider for the top 2 teams that will play in the final match
The Name of the first team member on a team is the designated captain. He/she is responsible for posting match scores on challonge unless another member is willing to assume those responsibilities.

Tie breaker:
In the event of a 3way or 4way tie
1. We will count the match records of only the teams in question if a clear winner can not be found then.
2. We will count the total number of games won between the matches of the tied teams. if a winner still cannot be found then
3. We will count the total number of games won for the entire tournament.
4. If two teams are identical in every way then we will play a first to 7.

Server Disconnection:
In the case of a server DC, the default rules as follows: unless both teams agree otherwise and there is a clear alternative to how the match would have played out.
1- Mass server DC
-If players from both teams disconnect the side with more players still living before the DC happened wins
-If both teams have equal members still alive, that game will be replayed.

2- Single person DC
- Play goes on as though the dc player has topped out.