
Started by Lettuce_Rose, April 03, 2013, 04:44:12 PM

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Hello again! Not my best games earlier  


Ooh hiya! Haha it seems you haven't received a proper welcome yet, so here I am! Technically I shouldn't be here and will get severely punished by golden voice Caffeine, but I do believe making new/returning-comers feel welcome trumps even that!

At any rate, glad you could join us Lettuce-Rose! Can you describe your Tetris background? What's your current sprint time and playstyle? Which clients do you play, and why do you personally believe Cultris II is the best drug ever made?

Also, feel free to share your own persona and hobbies as well! I know it might be hard to open up to a new community, but once you do you'll feel right at home and have more fun! You can be like me and make your very first post a steamy erotica of Tetris lul, break the glacier hell ya!

Anyhow hope you enjoy your stay and make good friends


Hello and welcome! You should really try to setup Cultris 2 again, as it's way better by now.


cause panda got banned?
or what happened to panda

and lettuce rose...
didnt you sign up for tto2? so i think you play tetris friends

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: Bamboo
Ooh hiya! Haha it seems you haven't received a proper welcome yet, so here I am! Technically I shouldn't be here and will get severely punished by golden voice Caffeine, but I do believe making new/returning-comers feel welcome trumps even that!

At any rate, glad you could join us Lettuce-Rose! Can you describe your Tetris background? What's your current sprint time and playstyle? Which clients do you play, and why do you personally believe Cultris II is the best drug ever made?

Also, feel free to share your own persona and hobbies as well! I know it might be hard to open up to a new community, but once you do you'll feel right at home and have more fun! You can be like me and make your very first post a steamy erotica of Tetris lul, break the glacier hell ya!

Anyhow hope you enjoy your stay and make good friends

Why did you get banned? Might as well ask since you said you would tell me....
Hmmm....my tetris background?
I have only every play tetris on TetrisFriends. So, tbh, I do not personally believe Cultris II is the best drug ever made.  
I have been playing TF Marathon for approx. 8-9 years. Finally in 2010 I broke down and made an account on TF, so I could play arena. But ever so many months I kinda stop playing because people on there can be extreme creepers and or just plain psychotic. But I am okay at marathon, not a pro, but decent.

As for sharing personal persona and hobbies.... I like to keep it private. And it isn't 'hard' to open up to a new community, again, I am just a private person. So, deal with your dyeing curiosity about what I am not telling you about myself.  


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
cause panda got banned?
or what happened to panda

and lettuce rose...
didnt you sign up for tto2? so i think you play tetris friends

Hey MarioThePhenom! Haven't talked to you in a while.
Gonna sound stupid...but what is tto2?  Yes, I play TF. lol


TTO2 = Tetris Tournament Online 2, one of the best things to ever happen in this community. It was hosted at Tetris Friends.


Quote from: Extruderx
TTO2 = Tetris Tournament Online 2, one of the best things to ever happen in this community. It was hosted at Tetris Friends.

Thank you! (I still need to learn some of the terms)....Do you know if they are gonna have another sometime soon? I was a week late to enter the last tourney.


Sadly, the development of both Tetris Friends and Tetris Battle was postponed (possibly in favor of console games). The most of tournament action is on Cultris 2, namely the Quickfire series. I'd like to watch a tournament on Tetris Friends, but I haven't seen one in awhile.


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef

double intro?

Yes, double intro. Due to the fact I don't know anyone on here hardly.
I thought it through before I made a new one. Hope I don't annoy you too much.


Quote from: Lettuce_Rose
Hey MarioThePhenom! Haven't talked to you in a while.
Gonna sound stupid...but what is tto2?  Yes, I play TF. lol
so i do now youuu, and you know me
and yeah, cause of your double intro hd might actually collapse into itself

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
so i do now youuu, and you know me
and yeah, cause of your double intro hd might actually collapse into itself

Yesssss! We know each-other, or should I say knew each-other. lol
We played TF a few times, I believe....of course, it could have been someone else saying they were you or something. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true considering how crazy people on TF can be.

Lol it's so silly.... a few people have said "you have two intros". It's like it stopped the HD community in their tracks. Like it's SUCH a big deal.