c2 advanced settings

Started by t0x, March 26, 2013, 01:53:06 AM

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this is for people who recently tried out cultris and simply cant figure out what settings to use.

i guess everyone had this problem when he/she first got in touch with cultris. what kind of settings are useable?

i ve seen people using a delay of 2, and a repeat speed of 5, and those people wondered why they couldnt get used to it.
sadly there is no perfect recipe for the settings, but some overall stuff to think about:

(x/y    x... delay and y... repeat speed)

- if you are new to tetris (60-80 bpm), you might wanna try 6 / 7
- if you already played some other tetris games and you re quite fast, try 5.5/9.5
- if you consider yourself a pro and damn fast, try 5/infinite

all in all, i would suggest pro's to try around with 4.5-6 / 9.5-infinite

obviously it also depends on the system and its hardware, so just try around a bit.

last but not least: here s a thread on the c2 forum where people show their settings:

if you have any questions, feel free to ask



I'd actually suggest that newer players start with a delay of around 7 with infinite auto repeat.


you think thats easier?

it ll probably confuse them when a piece just instantly moves to the side...


It'd be interesting to find out how a new player would respond to instant auto repeat.


yeah indeed, i just fear it wont happen and is kinda hard to find out lol


Quote from: caffeine
It'd be interesting to find out how a new player would respond to instant auto repeat.

LOL it sounds as if Caffeine is a mad scientist injecting his amateur rats with a lethal dose of ARR for the greater purpose of his own private amusement.

Yes rats, it will be painful for you, but remember... It is pleasure for me.


Quote from: Panda
LOL it sounds as if Caffeine is a mad scientist injecting his amateur rats with a lethal dose of ARR for the greater purpose of his own private amusement.
Yes rats, it will be painful for you, but remember... It is pleasure for me.

I like this image.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


I've generally found that for nullpo players that use 0/7/0 [like me] feel comfortable with 5/inf on c2

It's sweet to think you might be calling me a "pro and damn fast" indirectly :3
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


im a nullpo player who uses 6/0
and i use 4.5/infinite on c2
just to help out some other players go around clients
i assume 5/0 would be about 4/ infinite

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....