Hello !

Started by Achille, October 20, 2009, 05:55:35 AM

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Hi all,

This is Achille,

I am a law student, and a musician.

I have discovered tetris on Super Nintendo when i was young, now I am an addict and you can see me on Cultris !

I'd be happy to play blockbox, but i suck since i can't set the config I like...

See u around !

If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants.

Men rise and fall like the winter wheat but these names will never die.

Let them say I lived in the time of Hector tamer of horses.

Let them say... ...I lived in the time of Achilles.


Welcome Achille!

I can't say anything about Cultris since I've never played it, but I will tell you Blockbox is awesome. If you want to set up a config that works for you, try asking one of the more experienced players on this board, they'd be more than happy to help you!


hey achille! i played you on cultris, you're pretty good


Quote from: Achille
I am a law student, and a musician.

And now you're an attorney, go figure!

Sorry for the necropost HD, but this is such a waste for someone like Achille to settle with such a lacking introduction!

Please, do feel free to share more about yourself, Achille. For instance, what made you pursue Tetris? What made you pursue law and music? What do you specialize in regarding music, and is this simply a side-hobby? What are your musical tastes? How did you make such a quick transition from law student to attorney in roughly 4 years? What Tetris clients do you currently play and what is your skill level? What are your long-term goals for Tetris? Do you like Tetris? You like the Panda?

Haha if you could answer just 15% of these, I'd be content


achille! i didnt know you started on the classics!  awesome.

also, you are good on cultris, you remind me of all the work i need to put in


Quote from: benmullen
also, you are good on cultris, you remind me of all the work i need to put in

Ooh, how good are we talking about?

Achille, whats your average bpm, peak bpm, C2 general playstyle (aggressive or conservative in considering future piece probability and in your decision-platforming), opening method, midgame method, maximum combo, average combo, cheese time on average, maximum level of bot you can take on (finally getting the hang of deadly!), and have u completed the top challenge, and you like the Panda?

If you'd answer just 25% of these I'd be content ^_^