Perfect Clear Record?

Started by PolarisTR, May 13, 2013, 06:35:13 AM

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What's the world record for fastest perfect clear using 10 pieces? I want to know because after an hour of attempting, I managed to pull off one in 1.98 seconds!

you guys

ps. while doing this, I got bored and tried 40 lines mode and broke my record with a time of 26.41, so I don't know if doing mass PC's increases speed but every little helps

Here's the link to the rep file -  >> Click Here <<

To open it:

1. Download File
2. Navigate to your Nullpomino folder
3. Open the .rar file
4. Extract the .rep (Not the .rar) into the replay folder
5. Open Nullpomino and the replay will be in your replays

This does not work on Nullpo League because of the forced rule


Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Ask Paradox - his one on bb is the fastest I've ever seen.
               Tetris Belts!


his was in the 2 seconds iirc. grats on your (to my knowledge) WR!


Very nice.

Did you just keep re-playing a game where you got some nice pieces or where you restarting and trying with new bags?


I restarted and tried almost every bag I could, I had quite a few good bags but I kept screwing up the final 180drops/soft drops (which lead to my record). Overall I had 4 good timing bags in an hour.


Hey Polaris, can I "showcase" your game as a video on my channel?

BTW, the technical clear time was 2.01, but I think this could qualify for 1.93 based on the slow-mo replay verification .


anyone know what my time on bb is? i deleted the vid lol i think it was 2.01
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