Keyboard speeds on Console tetrises

Started by loltris, October 07, 2012, 03:55:50 PM

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What's the major reason for 40L times on consoles being so much slower than PC ports?
Is the DAS/ARR that bad in comparison?
Or is it just the clunky controls? (i.e. pad, or stick for those who have it and can play it ala-TGM)

Just wanna know, have you guys tried the Hit Box Arcade controller?
It was originally made with PC "keyboard warriors" in mind (e.g. for people used to playing SF4:AE on PC)

Seems like if controls were the major issue, it could possibly bring keyboard speeds to consoles.


The DAS/ARR and ARE/line clear delays will usually cause you to waste a lot more time.  I also think thumbs tend to be a little slower than fingers for tapping quickly, and having to move them between left/hard drop/right and counterclockwise/clockwise instead of having separate fingers wastes more time.  Plus, you usually can't preserve DAS if you have to let go of the direction to hard drop, although it is possible to use the diagonals to do it sometimes, but it's cumbersome.


I play with my arcade stick on Tetris Splash and turn it sideways so I'd be essentially playing it like a hitbox. My best sprint is 39.xx on tetris splash while on PC it's 29.xx for nullpo and I think 33.xx or 34.xx for Tetris Friends.

The main reason, especially in that game is the super slow DAS/ARE as well as really slow lock delay and line clear speed.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: massi4hThe main reason, especially in that game is the super slow DAS/ARE...
ARE is entry delay, not autorepeat rate. Anyhow, Splash's frame timings aren't _too_ terrible -- 30hz repeat rate after 10~12 frame start-up. Hangame Tetris also sports a 30hz repeat rate, albeit I believe with a somewhat faster start-up.

Quote from: well as really slow lock delay...
Lock delay determines how much time you have to manipulate a piece when it touches the stack. You're probably thinking of ARE, which Splash doesn't have.

Quote from: massi4h...and line clear speed.
This is definitely a factor, especially since (iirc) Splash does not allow DAS charge to be built during line clear delay.

As massi4h mentioned, Splash's key remapping lends itself well to pseudo-Hitboxing, using gamepad with keyboard-like configurations (ABXY move, Left/Right rotate, LS Hold), and more. This is handy for enabling DAS preservation without odd diagonal inputs.

Moreover, Splash's default key configuration has filtering that prevents DAS preservation from the d-pad but allows it from the analog stick (presumably to prevent accidental hard dropping). This same filtering is present in Tetris Party (but not Tetris Party Deluxe) and PS3 Tetris, but without any secondary options to enable the technique.
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Quote from: massi4h
I play with my arcade stick on Tetris Splash and turn it sideways so I'd be essentially playing it like a hitbox. My best sprint is 39.xx on tetris splash while on PC it's 29.xx for nullpo and I think 33.xx or 34.xx for Tetris Friends.

The main reason, especially in that game is the super slow DAS/ARE as well as really slow lock delay and line clear speed.

Massiah you play with all buttons on an arcade stick ? i thought there wouldn't be enough buttons to do that. how does playing with those buttons compare to keyboard ? is there any difference ?


Grrr Kitaru I knew all my terms were mixed up. I mean whatever DAS/AR are in TF as well as line clear delay and whatever you call the delay when a piece locks into place before the next piece comes in.

@vipjun, I have a Madcatz TE stick which has 8 buttons.

You only need 6 buttons for sprint and 7 for multiplayer (soft drop). I feel comfortable with the buttons as they are Sanwa Denshi which are really sensitive and I've been using them for years. Would still rather play on a mechanical keyboard on PC, though I'd probably like to try out a full sanwa normal sized keyboard if one was ever made

Here's my layout, it's the same fingers for each button that I use on a keyboard (closest to TDS style) but my hands are just in a bit more of an awkward position (top 4 buttons are left hand, bottom 3 are right hand on keyboard I use wsad and numpad 4,5,0):

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
☠ massi4h


Quote from: massi4h
Grrr Kitaru I knew all my terms were mixed up. I mean whatever DAS/AR are in TF as well as line clear delay and whatever you call the delay when a piece locks into place before the next piece comes in.

@vipjun, I have a Madcatz TE stick which has 8 buttons.

You only need 6 buttons for sprint and 7 for multiplayer (soft drop). I feel comfortable with the buttons as they are Sanwa Denshi which are really sensitive and I've been using them for years. Would still rather play on a mechanical keyboard on PC, though I'd probably like to try out a full sanwa normal sized keyboard if one was ever made

Here's my layout, it's the same fingers for each button that I use on a keyboard (closest to TDS style) but my hands are just in a bit more of an awkward position (top 4 buttons are left hand, bottom 3 are right hand on keyboard I use wsad and numpad 4,5,0):

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

o that's an interesting way to fit all the keys on 8 buttons.  think someone was crazy enough to build a kb with switches like that but it looked rather clunky since keyboard switches are a fraction of the size of sanwa switches.


You could use 24mm buttons (usually used for Start etc.) if you think 30mm buttons are too big. I kind of want to make a "keyboard stick" like that at some point.
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I've heard of fighting game players who were more comfortable with a keyboard so they made keyboard controllers. Never heard of someone using one for tetris splash though, not that it wouldn't work.
☠ massi4h