Worldwide Combos

Started by noelnadal, July 02, 2017, 03:22:53 PM

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The main thing I am missing at the moment is a key to swap minos 180 degrees.

Nice work! Although, spoiled as I am by Nullpomino's performance and look, I had a lot of trouble getting any actually decent playing in. But don't let that stop you from working more on this wonderful game.

One more suggestion: the buttons in the menus,  they are very far apart. I actually need to scroll to access all options from the dashboard.
40L: 33.92 | [/font]



thanks to you both for your feedback.
I *think* I fixed the softdrop bug, in any case I found a bug which was related to downwards kicks, and I hope that was the only one. What is sure is that, I have not been able to reproduce this bug after that fix.

Another good news: I found a bug in saving replays in the ghostbuster mode. Old replays are not saved correctly, yet it seems like most of them still work. Concerning the few ones that freeze in the middle of the game, I am regularly checking the database in case there are games with tens of KOs on the player side, so that I may disable broken replays. In the long term, there should not be any more problems in that mode, unless there are still bugs somewhere in the code.

If this works well, I will focus on the following in the future:
* try to figure out why the opponent's grid doesn't always display correctly in the multiplayer mode;
* put the live spectating feature back;
* finish this custom game feature.

Concerning the buttons on the menus: it's true that avoiding scrolling would be better. One idea I have is to make a menu that is quite similar to the "Challenges" menu in Cultris 2, that is: buttons put vertically on one side, and explanations being displayed on the other side.


I released 0.4.4 update, with the spectator mode which makes its comeback.

Also, I managed to find a bug in the multiplayer mode, that would mess up the opponent's grid. Still some weird things happen in the middle of the game, but for sure it's better than before. x)

It seems like the results screen is still a little bit weird, as bonuses do not appear on the correct side of the screen (still the server updates them correctly). I noticed it when making the update, so I hope I will fix this before the next one.


Worldwide Combos 0.5 is available.

The custom games feature is now available. You may invite whoever you wish to invite, for a given number of rounds, with the rules you want. Note that both players need to have a validated account.

If you don't know who to invite, you may check the suggestion list, which should show you five players that have approximately the same level as you. Be careful though, if you weren't very active recently then it might not be very accurate.

Right now spectating a custom match is a little bit complicated, as you need to watch every round on a different page. Sorry for that. Fixing this is the next thing I am going to do.

I also fixed a few bugs, and made a few optimization, please tell me if it changes something for you (hopefully yes).

Have fun!


Worldwide Combos 0.6 is ready. Finally, the tournament system is done. I'll talk about it more later, as it's very late here. Just know that there will probably be a "Beta Event" quite soon, and that I hope many of you will join.

I also implemented the 180° rotation, and changed a little bit blocks' colors. It should be less painful for your eyes.

Please tell me if you find any critical (or not critical) bugs. Thank you to all the people who helped me so far while developing this.  


Worldwide Combos now has its own Discord server.


Worldwide Combos 0.7 is finally available.  Note that there are fancy snowflakes falling from the top of the screen.  

I made a lot of bug fixes, and I added a few things.

1) You may now customize block colors in options.
2) You can change your speed tunings in the tutorial and test them without refreshing anything.
3) There is a restart button, as well as a restart key in warm-up and sprint modes.
4) There are now profile pages for members. Right now they are not very accessible, but I will improve this in future patches.
5) There are also match report pages. Be careful though, due to past disconnections some data is weird. Tell me if you want a specific match to be rearranged correctly.
6) You may watch sprint replays.  

I didn't add an extra line at the top of the field as promised because the Beta Tournament 1 is not over yet and this could have an influence on the rounds' outcomes.
Also, I have some trouble with multiplayer replays, and therefore I decided not to release it today. For sure, it will appear soon.  

Have fun!


Just tried it, and I love it

It may be the only other game other than TB and TF that I'm aware of to have a solid garbage 2p style, and multiple K.O system which I wish jstris had, it could be a nice alternative to TB now that the site is nearly unplayable



When you registered, there was still a bug in the ghostbuster mode, but I somehow fixed it tonight in the 0.7.2 release. I hope you will enjoy it even more than before.


It's been quite a long time since the latest update. Here are a few news concerning how Worldwide Combos has evolved with this new release.

First of all, there is a Survivor mode! You will find it in the Training page. If you stay alive more than four minutes, then you will unlock an Elite Survivor mode, which is way harder than the first one. Good luck and have fun! Second, a few customization features, which are available in the Options page, have been added. You may now make your blocks spawn one line higher. You may also disable the whistle sound that is usually triggered when a new round starts. You may also change your background: either a black one (which was the only one before), or a one with stars.

Third, there is now a timetable feature. If you registered for Beta Tournament 1, then you probably remember that you had to fill a timetable, so that the server could schedule your tournament matches. Now, you are able to fill a timetable, that will be used for all the upcoming tournaments. Also, in a later release, you will be able to share this timetable with some of your friends, so that they can know when to invite you for a custom match.

This is not all, refer to the change-log on the website for more details.

Have fun!

Also, there will be a Beta Tournament 2 from next week.  


I've finally released Worldwide Combos 0.9. It is not the update with the biggest number of new features, yet it required a lot of work internally.

First, I have fixed the bugs that some of you had on Google Chrome. Now the game should be playable on all recent browers. Also, it will now scale to your browser's window's size.

Second, the Discord bot has come to a new stage of its existence: you may now synchronise your Discord account with your Worldwide Combos account. This will let you receive Discord notifications instead of e-mail ones, if you wish.

Third, there are a few new features: the website now supports timezones for match scheduling. Hopefully that will be helpful. The help pages have been updated and merged in a Wiki. The rating systems, especially the bonuses, also changed in Ghostbuster and Multiplayer rankings, in order to let these rankings be fairer.

Warning, right now the Tutorial is not working correctly anymore. It will be fixed in the future.

I hope you will enjoy this update. Also, get ready for the Beta Tournament 3: registration will open in less than 24 hours.


So, it's been quite a long time since I posted here, I released the 0.10 update in July, 2018, which was full of bugs and issues but in the end it became not too bad, with a brand new single-page Dashboard.

Worldwide Combos 0.11 is live since today with many new features, such as : Quickplay with Bombs handicap, Bombs Survivor, Speed Limit Feature. Also, I made some adjustments to the gameplay: 8+ combos are nerfed, B2B system changed a bit and garbage messiness is increased.

Have fun!


Worldwide Combos 0.12 is out.
Main new features: 21-bag all-spins mode, sound effects, in-game chat.
Patch notes: