Piece Preview Practice

Started by yotipo91, November 22, 2012, 03:45:43 AM

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When I play Tetris in any mode, I can improve on anything I look up on how to do and then set my mind to it (setups, finesse, downstacking, spins). All these techniques become passively integrated into gameplay once learned then repeated.

Reading piece previews, however, is difficult for me. It feels as if I have to read a sentence before I even get to it. I can make use of 1 or 2 sometimes, but I believe that caps my potential speed.

Are there any practice methods for learning piece previews? Does trying PCs help? Dig Challenge helps downstack, Sprint helps speed, 4W helps teach most spins, belzebub's client helps teach finesse, so I'm wondering if there's a good way to learn how to utilize Piece Previews better.
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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Quote from: yotipo91
Are there any practice methods for learning piece previews?

One way would be to cover up the next piece previews. It forces you to remember what's coming next. Kind of advanced, though.


Oh of course! Sometimes I'm loading a game that covers the first few pieces and I get annoyed by it, but now I realize that could actually be useful haha. Thanks for the tip
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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Sprint helps with piece previews. Otherwise, try focusing higher on the screen with your eyes. Whatever works I guess. For most people it's just a natural process that they get better at using piece previews when playing vs, sprint and downstack modes.
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