Is this right?

Started by fyrefx, June 02, 2012, 09:43:08 AM

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lately i practicing for speed (no hold) and reach 1:31 and hit a plateau, now i practice for finesse and hit 13 at fault level and pretty happy and satisfied with it just to achieve less than 1:30.

eventually i want to get faster to do the flashy things (ahem t-spin to the max) which i can do but i delay my gratification because of the suggestion of "you should do t-spin after achieving sub 60" which i follow, recently i back read the strategy/help section and read some suggestion that "you can do t-spin at 1:30 as he/she do" then i became confuse?

please guide me masters  


i dont think there should be  time when you should learn somehting, and when its to early... if you think youre ready, go for it. if you dont, wait till you think you are

i definatly was not sub 60 when i started to tspin, i probably wasent even below 1:30

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


I started learning about TSpins before I subbed 60 as well, but I find that they only started becoming useful once I actually learned to recognise piece patterns faster (at which point I also subbed 60). I think the point of saying "don't learn TSpins before you sub 60" is supposed to be less prohibitive, but rather a hint when learning them will actually be of use to you in the game.

TSpin openers could definitely benefit you now, so practise them if you find the time to spare. I would continue sprinting in any free-tetris time, though.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


thanks, probably after nailing down the finesse i start playing multiplayer again and learn t-spin and it's set up.

thanks again for input ^^


no matter how fast you are, if youre gonna learn how to tspin, youre gonna be slow at it... when i learned how to do the triple double attack, it took me 26 seconds total to setup

now that im more comfortable with it it takes me like 10 seconds to setup and execute

i was learning a new setup this morning(im a 31 second player) and it took me about thirty seconds to execute.... its all of two bags. now that ive practiced it alot it takes me around 15-20 seconds( i still have to think about what to do)

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


My 40l in still around 1.20- 1.30 but it definitely doesn't stop me from learning various tspin setups and twists. It has to be learned anyway to help you recognize the patterns when they are there. try to stay away from the more complex setups  while in multiplayer as it will slow you down ( though i often dont heed my own advice   )


Do whatever you like to do. There's no reason to not learn something that interests you


currently my hunger for getting sub 60 is greater than t-spin setup, i'll stick to my speed training for now ^^

thanks for the input guys!