How to practice midgame advanced T-Spin setups?

Started by eevor, August 16, 2013, 12:17:24 PM

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Hello everyone,

(it's not my first post so won't be introducing, I had to create a new account, previous one was Ivor, but something got messed up).

In my 5 or so months of Tetris friends experience I have improved to a point where I am pretty good at spotting T-Spin situations (maybe not the fastest, but nevermind that) and now occassionally have 100 lines+ games.

However, I still hardly ever spot an opportunity for some harder setups, such as Kaidons, donations, STSD, imperial cross and such.
Does anyone have a recommendation how to improve this? Should I force thinking about creating some of those while playing?
So far I've only been studying them at wiki,  trying them in single player and then playing multi to see if I would improve in setting them up (which worked fine when I started playing with t-spins and such), but I'm not really satisfied how I'm doing.

Thanks, and sorry if it's a stupid question.


I learned all my tspins one by one.  Find one you wanna learn, then try to incorporate into your play as often as possible for the next 2-3 days and then repeat for a new one.

I recommend trying to learn the STMB Cave first.



Thanks guys, both of those advises sound reasonable. So far I did try to learn several structures at once, it probably is better to focus at one at a time.
And I've completely forgot about misakam's bot! That really is a great platform for practicing, I've been practicing openings there.