Undo move for blockbox

Started by oliv, August 01, 2009, 12:01:56 PM

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I think it was a good idea. That oliv dude was smart.


oh. so i get a warning for writing a pointless post, huh.

then you might just as well ban half of the people on these forums.

good job.

i wean i understand, my post didn't add any value to this conversation. agreed.
what about

Quote from: coolmaninsano
Thank you for your post, Sisu.

Quote from: ohitsstef
blockbox = <3

no value added. pointless posts as well. as much pointless as mine.

not attacking steph or aaron. i love them.

but you see my point... whoever did this, is simply unfair.
if you want to make this forum a serious one, you have a lot of things to do. because the forum is garbage.
IF you want to have fun, then relax. geez.


if you give me a warning... notify me about it. send me a PM or something. i wouldn't even notice it if someone haven't told me about it. thus... me not noticing = no lesson learned = pointless warning.


i am a banana.

Warned by moderator for this post.
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Quote from: gif
oh. so i get a warning for writing a pointless post, huh.

then you might just as well ban half of the people on these forums.

good job.
i wean i understand, my post didn't add any value to this conversation. agreed.
what about
no value added. pointless posts as well. as much pointless as mine.

not attacking steph or aaron. i love them.

but you see my point... whoever did this, is simply unfair.
if you want to make this forum a serious one, you have a lot of things to do. because the forum is garbage.
IF you want to have fun, then relax. geez.


if you give me a warning... notify me about it. send me a PM or something. i wouldn't even notice it if someone haven't told me about it. thus... me not noticing = no lesson learned = pointless warning.

i think you've been targeted a lot lately with warnings and such. but i agree with you!

if gif gets warned for pointless posts then many others should be too. everyone should be treated equally not given special treatment.

this is a forum we should all have fun. even if the posts are pointless and don't add anything.. come onnn it's a freaking forum. as long as they aren't attacking/hurting anyone no one should get warned for little things. (in certain situations.. maybeeeeee)

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
i think you've been targeted a lot lately with warnings and such. but i agree with you!

if gif gets warned for pointless posts then many others should be too. everyone should be treated equally not given special treatment.

this is a forum we should all have fun. even if the posts are pointless and don't add anything.. come onnn it's a freaking forum. as long as they aren't attacking/hurting anyone no one should get warned for little things. (in certain situations.. maybeeeeee)

yay thank you.

oh. and dear whoeverwhowarnedme... if you disagree with what i wrote above... feel free to ban me right here right now. thanks.


Quote from: ohitsstef
i think you've been targeted a lot lately with warnings and such. but i agree with you!

if gif gets warned for pointless posts then many others should be too. everyone should be treated equally not given special treatment.

this is a forum we should all have fun. even if the posts are pointless and don't add anything.. come onnn it's a freaking forum. as long as they aren't attacking/hurting anyone no one should get warned for little things. (in certain situations.. maybeeeeee)

I have to agree here.
I really don't give a flip about blockbox(especially since it won't work on my laptop) but I thought i'd add in on this matter..
Everyone knows gif it's not like he's some stranger just posting spam messages and not an active member...many others do this all the time..
Done trolling now.

Pardon me for my ignorance here as I am a noob but what would an undo move do for teaching that a fumen couldn't ?


Uh, let's also not forget that certain people denoted as "Tetris Grand Master" on this forum got that designation by relentlessly participating in this sort of tomfoolery. Who are we supposed to follow the examples of if not the Tetris Grand Masters?