King of Kings 2 (interest check)

Started by myndzi, June 28, 2012, 09:14:08 PM

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What kind of competition are you willing to commit to?

"One-off ~ one day"
0 (0%)
"Short-term ~ couple weeks"
5 (62.5%)
"Medium-term ~ 4-6 weeks"
2 (25%)
"Long-term ~ multiple months"
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8


King of Stackers has seen a surge of activity recently and I'd like to capitalize on it to have some fun competition. By its nature, KoS lends itself to long-term, parallel play - multiple matches that pan out over the course of days or weeks. I think the format that is best suited to a competition will take advantage of that, but I know that not everybody has the interest or commitment to give for a long-term league-style thing. Thus, this poll.

Please answer *only* if you are interested in participating in a King of Stackers tournament or league. Select the length of time that you can confidently commit to - that is to say, if you sign up, you're not going to drop out unless something catastrophic happens like your house burning down.

Based on this poll I will decide what kind of format the competition will have. My personal preference is towards a long-term league style play with a playoffs/finals among the top players. This gives the opportunity for everybody to play lots of games, and perhaps even to mix up the game types for variety.

Let's see where this goes


Is there a ladder on KoS? with a point based system? this would encourage play.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


A couple of months is way to long imo. Should take a few weeks to get a good tourney going.


I think one month is a good time, maybe one and a half..
Extending it too much can result in forfeiting-like problems, I think..


I didn't say tourney, I said competition. The poll is to figure if it will be a tournament or a league or something else...