How has Tetris affected your life?

Started by myndzi, October 28, 2011, 03:30:11 PM

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I'd have put this in the blog section, but nobody seems to be using it for actually blogging. So, post your own stories and experiences and let's make a thread of it instead. Here's mine:

thread went nowhere, o well

(spoilered for length)


Quote from: myndziTo be humble, you have to believe you are better than what you're downplaying yourself to.
I think that tetris attracts a lot of people who privately hold very high opinions of themselves. They suddenly encounter the accomplishments of our tetris community and then assume that subbing 25 would only a matter of time for them. When they find out how hard it actually is, they start grinding furiously; this this general fact only means that everyone else is grinding harder too and causing relative record inflation.

But listening to your story, it sounds like something else starts to happen: you are finding that your tetris journey is now mostly inward. Caffeine might be obsessed with tetris, but his mental gaze on tetris concepts can be applied to any concept(s). If you stop comparing your relative progress in other mental pursuits, everything becomes a challenge in terms of how far down the rabbit hole you can go. But to go really deep, you have to stop worrying about if others are going deeper.

In applying this to 1P, you could focus more on playing well rather than getting records. In multiplayer, you could focus less on winning and more on contributing to an interesting game. You can still stop to try and spike records or see if you can beat everyone, but if your journey is more qualitative rather than spiking high numbers for everyone to see, then the anxious feeling to outdo everyone dissolves, which is something that only limits your potential anyway.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


MYeah, that makes plenty of sense. I forgot, you are a philosophy dude
A point of clarification, since it will boher me: I don't resent your comment, but the honest truth is that I hold a very low opinion of myself. I expect more of myself than I can ever accomplish, though. There lies the conflict, and that's why this process holds significant meaning for me.

vvv I can get a little long-winded sometimes. I blame it on this sweet keyboard.


Quote from: myndzi
To be humble, you have to believe you are better than what you're downplaying yourself to.

i like that line:P

but i must say that you have an interesting story, and a longggg one:P

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Annoying the girlfriend with playing it for about 3 hours a day.
Coffee and Garlic.  Two things I would not want to live without.


Tetris has no effect on me whatsoever

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
Tetris has no effect on me whatsoever
lol ^