[TAP] Master

Started by Budster, July 14, 2009, 11:02:11 PM

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Post your Master records here.
I'll try to be good about maintaining this.

The world record:
  WR--jin8-------------------Gm - 999 @ 07:34:75            - Orange line
source: http://web.archive.org/web/20050221072336/...ing/master.html

Rank--Name-----------------Grad - Lvl @ M. Time  - Date     - Comment

   1--jago-------------------Gm - 999 @ 08:16:66 - 04/30/09 - Best M in 7:59:63
   2--Amnesia-----------------M - 999 @ 08:20:93 - 07/14/08 - Vive la France !!
   3--colour_thief------------M - 999 @ 08:21:45 - 04/06/09 -
   4--FSY---------------------M - 999 @ 08:23:06 - 07/08/09 -
   5--edo--------------------S9 - 999 @ 08:23:16 - 04/--/08 - Orange line
   6--cyberguile-------------S9 - 999 @ 08:34:81 - 02/13/09 - Orange line
   7--DeHackEd---------------S9 - 999 @ 08:34:95 - 06/21/09 - Orange line
   8--Rosti LFC--------------S9 - 999 @ 08:59:45 - 07/17/08 - Orange line
   9--DIGITAL----------------S9 - 999 @ 09:09:18 - 04/27/07 - Orange line
  10--mushroom---------------S9 - 999 @ 09:18:95 - 05/18/09 - Orange line
  11--rednefed---------------S9 - 999 @ 09:19:60 - 04/01/09 - Orange line
  12--mfm005-----------------S9 - 999 @ 09:29:36 - 11/17/08 - Orange line
  13--EIHoppe----------------S9 - 999 @ 09:33:58 - 04/24/09 - Orange line
  14--tada-------------------S9 - 999 @ 09:52:35 - 05/20/09 - Orange line
  15--LOst-------------------S9 - 999 @ 10:51:36 - 01/05/09 - Orange line, Gold SK
  16--matt_hatter------------S9 - 999 @ 09:06:86 - --/--/-- - On keyboard
  17--batmann----------------S9 - 999 @ 09:47:63 - 11/21/08
  18--Shade------------------S9 - 999 @ 09:58:01 - 05/23/07
  19--Ken_P------------------S9 - 999 @ 10:19:96 - 11/01/07
  20--Kevin Birrell----------S8 - 999 @ 09:30:66 - 07/12/09 - Orange line
  21--Kitaru-----------------S8 - 999 @ 09:33:05 - 11/18/08 - Orange line
  22--kotetsu----------------S8 - 999 @ 09:07:45 - 02/16/08
  23--etherstorm ------------S8 - 999 @ 09:28:66 - 08/20/07
  24--Billmaan---------------S8 - 999 @ 10:10:30 - 04/24/08
  25--Mr. Antisocial---------S8 - 999 @ 10:20:93 - 08/29/08
  26--cgwg ------------------S8 - 999 @ 10:26:03 -
  27--Taratang---------------S8 - 999 @ 10:27:31 - 04/29/07
  28--statikeffeck-----------S8 - 999 @ 10:30:88 - 05/30/08
  29--COL--------------------S8 - 999 @ 11:11:05 - 04/30/09
  30--TWF--------------------S8 - 992 @ 09:26:46 - 07/12/09
  31--Poochy-----------------S8 - 974 @ 09:46:91 - 01/04/08
  32--Quad-------------------S8 - 971 @ 10:04:43 - 02/22/09
  33--gila-------------------S8 - 961 @ 10:11:23 - 10/25/08
  34--Tarto------------------S7 - 999 @ 10:28:70
  35--Ai---------------------S7 - 999 @ 10:48:75 - 07/09/09
  36--PetitPrince------------S7 - 999 @ 11:21:58 - 07/27/08
  37--an a**-----------------S7 - 968 @ 09:33:61 - 07/07/09
  38--Bou--------------------S6 - 999 @ 11:21:73 - 01/17/08 - Lucky...
  39--Caithness--------------S6 - 999 @ 11:52:93 - 03/19/09
  40--Xkeeper----------------S6 - 937 @ 09:35:76 - 02/20/09
  41--deepdorp---------------S6 - 998 @ 10:33:73 - 10/16/08
  42--Air Gear---------------S6 - 975 @ 10:53:91 - 02/26/08
  43--Leffe------------------S6 - 95- @ --:--:--
  44--DDRKirby(ISQ)----------S5 - 914 @ 11:43:76 - 02/13/09
  45--Zircean----------------S4 - 863 @ 09:08:76 - 05/26/09
  46--mufunyo----------------S4 - 834 @ 09:09:31 - 04/25/09
  47--shoryu-----------------S4 - 856 @ --:--:-- - 03/09/08
  48--cdsboy-----------------S3 - 830 @ 09:22:28
  49--Sy---------------------S3 - 82- @ --:--:--
  50--(RA)Red Star-----------S1 - 641 @ 06:29:80
  51--merpy------------------S1 - 675 @ 08:47:03 - 03/12/09
  52--Gaby-------------------S1 - 719 @ 09:31:48 - 07/15/08
  53--kira-------------------S1 - 620 @ --:--:--
  54--LordPie-----------------1 - 570 @ 07:43:10
  55--sjoecool1991------------1 - 581 @ 07:53:21 - 01/17/08
  56--NoTGhost----------------1 - 635 @ 08:08:58 - 03/20/09
  57--Sigma Draconis ---------1 - 599 @ 08:41:58
  58--Ray Ayanami-------------2 - 478 @ 04:49:58 - 03/20/09
  59--Budster-----------------2 - --- @ 05:28:71 - 07/06/09 - Bronze SK
  60--Dark2Master-------------2 - 521 @ 09:04:00
  61--sihumchai---------------2 - --- @ --:--:--
  62--floc4-------------------3 - 370 @ --:--:--

TAP Master mode GM(?) rules:

1 : Reach lv. 999 under 8:45:00
2 : Reach lv. 999 with the S9 rank
3 : Do the first 5 sections (000-500) under 1:05:00 for each one
4 : Do at least 2 tetrises in the 5 first sections (000-500)
5 : Do at least 1 tetrises in the 4 following sections (500-900)
6 : Section 500-600 musn't be 2sec slower than the average of the 5 first one
7 : For the 4 sections (600-999), section x musn't be 2sec slower than section x-1
8 : Survive the invisible section at the staff roll during 1min

A good target for level 500 is 4:55
Try to perform the 5 first sections in 59sec for each one.

Recommended time table:

* 0 - 100 ---> 60 sec ---> 1:00
100 - 200 ---> 59 sec ---> 1:59
200 - 300 ---> 60 sec ---> 2:59
300 - 400 ---> 58 sec ---> 3:57
400 - 500 ---> 58 sec ---> 4:55
500 - 600 ---> 58 sec ---> 5:53
600 - 700 ---> 50 sec ---> 6:43
700 - 800 ---> 45 sec ---> 7:28
800 - 900 ---> 40 sec ---> 8:08
900 - 999 ---> 37 sec ---> 8:45


I miss this period so much..No way that I can be 2nd again now..
We are introducing the ARS into HD like a virus. You can't escape neither resist, ARS will win.