More Nulpominoe Problems :(

Started by yazichima, September 05, 2011, 11:19:57 AM

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Sorry to bother people again, but I'm enountering issues with the latest version of Nullpominoe. The biggest problem is the fact that my settings won't save when I close the program. They stay the same while I'm playing, and I am pressing 'enter' when I'm adjusting my settings in the options, but after I close Nullpo I have to set it up all over again. Any Ideas?

The other problem is with my fps. And it's not that its slow, it's that it's insanely fast, like upwards of 500 fps. This makes the games go super fast, so that 1g feels like 15, and 100 das feels like 1 and slow soft drop is like zero. It's really weird, but the only way to bring it down is to exit out of the game I'm playing, and then go back through the main menu. Help?

Finally, my scores don't get saved once I leave a game. Maybe this is just the way it is, but it's sad that I can't track my progression or save my highscores  If anyone has more ides or help for any of these problems, please let me know!


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


k thanks, I was sure someone had already asked, but I hadn't found it. Thanks