Can you ever play too much? :-)

Started by Lancet, August 31, 2009, 05:02:24 PM

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Quote from: billtsarI don't think that tetris can cause much injury to your hands.
I can think of things that are worse for your hands, but it is possible. I have a small lump on the base joint of my middle finger from aggressively dragging across Up-Down to droplock in TGM, which is why I pretty much only play Master mode on arcade joysticks now. I don't want to get full-blown trigger finger from video games, haha.

Quote from: Pheeb
thanks for the reply. Not exactly what im looking for.  Seems like they are out of stock anyway.
Well, it might be. I think colour_thief and DDRKirby have both said they have had RSI problems with keyboards but not with arcade sticks. However, it's a more natural fit for Tetris Grand Master and other arcade-style Tetris games than it is for guideline-st=le multiplayer versus, 40 Lines, and the like. I know that colour_thief uses his arcade stick for Tetris Splash, but most players are using default gamepad mappings or "keyboard-style" grips that remap movement to the face buttons in order to avoid using the 360's inaccurate d-pad.

As for them being out of stock, you can find this and other similar products on websites such as Amazon.Com as well. The Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition is another high-quality arcade stick that can be switched to 4-way mode for games like Tetris.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


seriously people who get rsi from like 3-8 months of tetris play and are not pushing 4tps are doing it wrong.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


the tingling sensation in my hand isnt because i had a beautiful set up and beat my nemesis? =[


Quote from: XaeL
seriously people who get rsi from like 3-8 months of tetris play and are not pushing 4tps are doing it wrong.

Yeah, I really let myself fall into some bad habits.

Quote from: Kitaru
I can think of things that are worse for your hands, but it is possible. I have a small lump on the base joint of my middle finger from aggressively dragging across Up-Down to droplock in TGM, which is why I pretty much only play Master mode on arcade joysticks now. I don't want to get full-blown trigger finger from video games, haha.
Well, it might be. I think colour_thief and DDRKirby have both said they have had RSI problems with keyboards but not with arcade sticks. However, it's a more natural fit for Tetris Grand Master and other arcade-style Tetris games than it is for guideline-st=le multiplayer versus, 40 Lines, and the like. I know that colour_thief uses his arcade stick for Tetris Splash, but most players are using default gamepad mappings or "keyboard-style" grips that remap movement to the face buttons in order to avoid using the 360's inaccurate d-pad.

As for them being out of stock, you can find this and other similar products on websites such as Amazon.Com as well. The Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition is another high-quality arcade stick that can be switched to 4-way mode for games like Tetris.

Thank you very much for your kind reply

Quote from: caffeine
Every once and a while I'll go on a binge and my right hand will start to hurt. I'll stop playing for a week or two just to be on the safe side. It's not worth it.

Things I do:

Sit up with back support
Both feet on the floor
Eyes level with top of monitor
Sticking arms straight out, fingernails just reach monitor's screen
Forearms slightly more than 90 degrees with biceps
Hands nearly parallel with keyboard, relaxed and comfortable
No glare on screen

There's probably more, but I can't think of it. This set up has kind of become my "in the zone" set up. I don't feel like I'm playing my full potential unless I sit this way.

I like this idea more the more I think about it.  Something like the way you SHOULD sit to play piano.  I will consider this more.  In fact I think I am going to totally rearrange the set up where I play so it is more like sitting at a piano.