Lockjaw "Contrib" based skins.

Started by Mort432, June 13, 2011, 04:03:03 PM

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I can't be bothered faffing with creating a new skin for Lockjaw; can someone please post one of theirs that I can copy-pasta? Please upload one that uses only resources from the Lockjaw Contrib pack. Thanks, ^^


play nullpo you silly welshman
               Tetris Belts!


I have no idea what that is. :|

On another note, I found some decent skins, but now I can't change playfield position. Any help?


inb4 tepples.

Nullpomino: http://nullpomino.googlecode.com


That Nullpomino looks very pretty, but two questions.

1. Hows the player base? Will I always be sure of a game?

2. Hows the playspeed? I've fallen in love with the rapidity of Lockjaw.


Quote from: Mort432
That Nullpomino looks very pretty, but two questions.

1. Hows the player base? Will I always be sure of a game?

Active during events/tournaments, but pretty quiet otherwise.  If you ask around on the shoutbox there's a good chance you'll get a game though.

Quote from: Mort432
2. Hows the playspeed? I've fallen in love with the rapidity of Lockjaw.

Do you mean the movement speeds or something else?  You can customize NullpoMino to go as fast as you want it to.


Play a little Lockjaw and you'll see what I mean - it's really hard to explain.

Does Nullpomino come with a singleplayer mode?


Quote from: Mort432
Play a little Lockjaw and you'll see what I mean - it's really hard to explain.

Does Nullpomino come with a singleplayer mode?

I have played Lockjaw before, both the PC and DS versions.  

There's a listing of some of NullpoMino's game modes here: http://harddrop.com/wiki/NullpoMino


Allright, I'll grab a copy, I suppose it can't hurt to have two tetris clients.


Quote from: Mort432
Allright, I'll grab a copy, I suppose it can't hurt to have two tetris clients.

To be honest, you shouldn't limit yourself to only two clients either.  Go ahead and try out a bunch of different Tetris games, there's things you can learn from each one and you might end up loving one that you otherwise would have ignored.


Thanks for the advice!

^_^ In fact, thanks to everyone for being so helpful.

I'm still weak at tetris; been playing for years, and I have technique down, but I lack in speed.

I'm enjoying Nullpo, it's a lot prettier than Lockjaw. Both games vary so much that to be honest, I think they're unique in their own rights and can't be compared.

In bonus uber special news, I finished my first ever 15-Level Marathon in Nullpo just now. Freaking epic; I could never nail it on Tetris Friends.


Nullpo is strictly faster than lockjaw. it has no line clear delay whereas lockjaw has one frame per line delay.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Right. Because in my client, theres a massive delay for the pretty effects, but I'm sure I can turn those off pretty easily.

Thanks all ^^


I thought nullpo has 1 frame of delay too...at least that's what zircy told me
               Tetris Belts!
