
Started by asian_taylor, March 03, 2011, 01:10:21 PM

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Well certainly your godly speed in sprint easily translates into arena.

*looks up stats*


Who the F*** do you think you are fooling? ahaha


Eight lines per millisecond? HOLY F***


why does it matter if he just started on Tetris Friends? Maybe he was playing somewhere else but wanted a better ranking system? That doesn't mean he's cheating...
He seems legit to me


Quote from: andyj
why does it matter if he just started on Tetris Friends? Maybe he was playing somewhere else but wanted a better ranking system? That doesn't mean he's cheating...
He seems legit to me
He may look legit to an unexperienced player like you, but he has no upgrades whatsoever, which makes a sub 30 basically impossible.
He doesn't have two step finesse so his movement is jittery and artificial. Ask any of the top players on this site and they will laugh at this bs of a sprint record.

and I never said anything bad about tetris friends. In fact, I started there.


lol 3 of the top-5 sprints are haxs (including his). There are certain ways you can tell. By watching the replay there are points where the speed is physicly impossible. For example when he right rotates a J piece 3 times (note that almost all players this fast can double rotate). Also if something in the replay is fishy, you can check the stats in another game, like they mentioned, his arena stats are not even close to being in the same region as his sprint, my time on TF is 38/39 and even when im trying my very hardest to go as slow as possible I cant even get near to as low as his average. All these 'tells' allows me to guarantee 100% that his time is hacked. Trust me I was banned from TOJ the other day because of hacks
☠ ZeroT


lol this is just the same amateur hack that can be used to freeze games in multiplayer; idk why you guys bother debating the legitimacy of the video given his other stats


lmao shouldn't this guy be banned for cheating? Welcome to HD ^_^
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


he's called taylor for a reason
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