6 perfect clears under 2 min

Started by SuperRekin, April 11, 2011, 12:05:48 PM

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I've been practicing perfect clears recently and here is my best game up to date http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkCYIiZD-aE

I am hoping to reach 10 perfect clears in 2 min but it will need much more practice D:


That is really well played!

Also Welcome SuperRekin! , why dont u write us something about yourself on the introductions forum too!


Very nice  you should post an entry in the perfect clear fest thread!

At 1:29 i'd have used the L and J to clear. but I think your T is a better choice. Loving your stacking of double Z/S


Very nice  you should post an entry in the perfect clear fest thread!


At 1:29 i'd have used the L and J to clear. but I think your T is a better choice. Loving your stacking of double Z/S