
Started by Thunder, March 30, 2011, 03:09:34 PM

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Howdy, Im thunder. I decided to get back into tetris after taking about a year off from it. Back when I played regularly I broke the top 300 on the tetris splash 40 line leader boards and figured myself to be alright. I quit tetris to mainly focus on other games like wow and tf2. Feel free to add me on steam as "thunderstain" or pm me for my bbm code because those are my 2 main ways of contact.


Welcome to HD Thunder!  What steam games do you play? add me -


Quote from: Blink
Welcome to HD Thunder!  What steam games do you play? add me -

Mostly Bad company 2 and some lfd2 and borderlands ad far as MP goes. Ive been jamming on alot of tortchlight and Batman: AA lately though.


Hey I just noticed Harddrop has a steam group but its invite only . Is there a way I can get invited or is it just for super buff rad dudes?


bc2? nice, my steam is ZeroT_

Welcome to HD
☠ ZeroT