SRS Softdrops

Started by Ravendarksky, November 16, 2010, 04:37:10 AM

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Obviously this thread is trying to show options for games in which you can fix caverns in your field better. If you try to drop a T normally and hold left, you may miss it or will have to wait. Soft dropping it backwards is faster and then rotating is 100% successful. This isn't to show what situational alternatives are better or whether you shouldn't make that shape in the first place.

Here is one concerning the O that I've used before. Don't know if it's the most optimal but it stops the gravity and lets you DAS it over. This is better than the second example.



It is useful for 4 wide setups, if you get unlucky with pieces/aren't a master at stacking.



If it hasn't been noted already, these kinds of solutions also extend to games with sonic drop quite easily.

Also Raven, your L/J examples look like Sega/TGM synchros, it is kind of neat. In fact, all of this thread reminds me of how to fix these kinds of mistakes in TGM.
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Quote from: Kitaru
In ARS, WHen i'm doing the T drop 180, the piece kicks away from the wall. (unlike SRS which stays the same) WHy is this? I thought ARS only kicked pieces when tehre was collision..

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


What you just drew would never happen.
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Quote from: Kitaru
What you just drew would never happen.
Sorry i drew an approximation. Its annoying in 20g, this is what actually happens:


And it only happens if i use A/C to double rotate. If i use B + B it rotates properly...

1) confirm this happens?
2) why does it kick weirdly? afaik it only kicks left/right according to wiki, but here it kicks diagonally. Also it shouldnt even be kicking because the new location can fit :/

EDIT: omfg. just checked the bounding boxes of the rotation system:


Ok now i know why it kicks. I get everything now. DAMN ARS AND ITS WEIRD T PIECE ROTATIONS!

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Or you can just do it right:


And I don't think you're allowed to say "ARS and its weird T piece rotations" given that, you know, you can do TSTs in SRS and other similarly stupid junk.
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How about following the thread title and doing sh** the right way?


Xael, you would never even get to step two without the TGM3 floor kick. If you insist on doing it the wrong way, you need more space horizontally and a synchro.


Frame 3 of your basic rotation comparison chart is not "OMFG." It is exactly this property that has made Sega/ARS and DRS the simplest and most intuitive general purpose rotation systems of the past 23 years. If you start from the bottom up, you don't have to worry about weird exceptions or unexpected kicks when grounded. In order for TTC to get Super Tetris 3 rotation systems from almost unusable when the piece was grounded to merely convoluted and clunky, they had to layer a ton of kicks on top of it to make SRS.

tl;dr: Just do it the right way like Zircean showed.
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