T-spin finesse

Started by belzebub, August 11, 2011, 05:48:10 PM

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I saw a post of Xael about t-spin finesse in another thread about midgame t-spin doubles.

I didn't find much info about it and kept thinking about it. Does it really make much difference. An example:


The first method uses: DAS + Rotate + Soft Drop + Rotate
Second method uses: Rotate + tap + tap + Soft Drop(+1) + Rotate

So for speed there are two deltas:
  • DAS vs 2 times tap
  • Soft Drop one line lower
For the DAS it depends for the person playing i guess. On the right side of the game, you may have to tap more then twice, so the difference is huger.

I took the statistics of a well known T-spin master. He does on average about 20 t-spins in a full game (between  2:30 to 3 minutes), that is every 8.1 second on +/- 100tpm.

If every soft drop is one line advantage, 20 soft drops one line higher is equivalent of one full softdrop from top to bottom or two sofdrops to the mid of the screen.

What do you guys think? You care about this? You think it's worth thinking about? I'm sure it doesn't make a huge difference, I just think, if you can do it in a right way, why not.


Nevermind. You fixed it. =]


Quote from: caffeine
Nevermind. You fixed it. =]
Sorry I didn't see your first reply, what did i fix? -- edit: ah that would be the fumen probably =)


Finesse isn't about making a huge difference, it's about making a small difference with the understanding that little things add up.

Sure, if you compare 10 piece placements over the course of a game the difference won't be as much - but if you play at 120tpm and you have 2:30 games that's 300 pieces. If you save a frame on average each piece due to finesse, that's 300 frames, or 5 seconds. 5 seconds could make a big difference in a close match.

Besides that, there's just the spirit of self-improvement that goes along with playing Tetris. If you know there's a better way to do it, why would you not?


Quote from: myndzi
Finesse isn't about making a huge difference, it's about making a small difference with the understanding that little things add up.

Sure, if you compare 10 piece placements over the course of a game the difference won't be as much - but if you play at 120tpm and you have 2:30 games that's 300 pieces. If you save a frame on average each piece due to finesse, that's 300 frames, or 5 seconds. 5 seconds could make a big difference in a close match.

Besides that, there's just the spirit of self-improvement that goes along with playing Tetris. If you know there's a better way to do it, why would you not?
Bravo, what an inspirational post.

Perfect finesse is not required to become the best at the game. Heck, blink/mase/apoc/wendy have many sub-optimal piece placements. But as myndzi said, If you know there's a better way to do it, why would you not?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Obviously Tspinning like this doesn't always work because you don't always have walls to kick off.