The Name Common Twists Thread

Started by myndzi, December 19, 2010, 09:53:43 AM

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I disagree with calling it ZSD or JST in commentary. This is because an uninitiated player won't know what it means, and saving 1 syllable isn't worth that.

Think about it:

J spin double=4 syllables
JSD=3 syllables

This can be applied to any spin.

Myndzi - I think your point is valid, but I suspect that in every case you could have said something like (worst case scenario) "he would have done better by twisting that J underneath his garbage for a J spin triple rather than just clearing the line by not twisting it". By replacing the word twist with a specialised word wouldn't really make the commentary any briefer
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
But there'd be so many fringe cases depending on the direction of twist, the type of twist, the piece, any potentially important parts of the stack and overhangs... it'd be quicker to fumen what you're talking about than it would be to find the corresponding number and for the other person to look it up.

Now that I think about it I don't think the numbering system would make it any better as you said. But its because the different variations only vary because of 4 factors: 180-rotation, Overhang, Overhangless, more than one twists required.

The way it is ordered now in the wiki sucks pretty badly. First of all it should be categorized by what rotation system it works in. The way now clumps all of them together.

The different variations don't need nicknames or numbers because they are already categorized by the 4 factors above. So the wiki should have four categories within the rotation systems and for each piece within those categories.

rough Example:

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
----180 Spins
----Overhang ( single spins)
----Overhangless (single spins)
----Two spins
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Actually, for commentating, I really cringe when people talk about things with no background information on what it is. Z-Spin Double is still a foreign term even within the Tetris community. Even talking about T-Spins with no background information is a bad idea. It's like on tests when teachers want you to describe things as if they don't know anything about it. I don't like the idea of assigning setups or orientations 'code names' like presented in the 'Tetris: A New Idea' thread. We should think about the common public, and a lot of these names are WAYYY too over the top lol ^^


Since the tetris voice woman says "T-Spin Double" when you do one, I expect people will at least with a tiny bit of common sense understand what a commentator would mean by Z-Spin Double. However I think they wouldn't know what you'd mean by "ZSD"
               Tetris Belts!


I think [piece]-spin [mini/single/double/triple] is enough, but since we want descriptive names that anyone can recognize, I present...



Quote from: meow
The Nazi Twist



Lol, Meow makes a good point. That will stick


Quote from: meow
I think [piece]-spin [mini/single/double/triple] is enough, but since we want descriptive names that anyone can recognize, I present...


Just kidding, not locked.
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Now uh, as for the scoot, didn't Chopin actually name something else the scoot in his video? It was one of the basic L/J spins and I think it was one of what Kitaru termed the Segas.
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This one:
Although it might have been blunt side down rotating into flat.
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Quote from: chopin
A lot more twists... and Myndzi... your names are kind of crazy past the 2nd one lol
We should think about the common public, and a lot of these names are WAYYY too over the top lol

Quote from: Paradox
I hope people don't start using these lol. They sound ridiculous.

I agree, myndzi did poorly in naming those. Embarrassing. Hence I propose these:


Dip - you dip the top of the L/J forward
RIP - it's like the piece is buried after it died
Chip - you're chipping away at the top of the surface
Lip - it's like you're making out with the s piece you use the lip of the hole to twist the piece in
Slip - self explanatory: you're slipping the piece in
Hip - If you imagine the I piece is a person, it's what the person would do if s/he broke his/her hip
Flip - self explanatory: 90 degree rotation. aka Undo-Hip
Nip - You take a nice little timid bite out of the side with the EZ spin
Grip - the hole is gripping the piece tightly
Whip - the piece gets the whiplash from the overhang into the hole (not to be confused with the whiplash I-spin)
Ship - the T piece is initially the shape of a nice steam boat, but then it got capsized (as you can see from the smokestack pointing sideways after the twist) The overhang is clearly the giant wave that turns it.

No more confusion. QED.
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


That's a really nice naming scheme. Sounds a bit confusing at first with so many "-ip"s, but that's the charm of it I guess. I can see myself memorizing them all after a while