Tetrisfriends tips? etc

Started by Sozu, December 20, 2010, 04:03:19 AM

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Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Plus it's not like anything important gets decided on a single game.
A single game can win you or lose you an entire tournament.

Quote from: Rosti_LFC
And in my experience (which, if I do say so myself, is damn extensive given 4p Tetris DS was pretty much exclusively what I played back in the day, and I still play +4p Tetris Friends) it does the vast majority of the time.
I, myself, admitted that the better player should win the majority of games over the long term. However, if it can be helped, the better player should win in the short term too! How can you disagree with that!?

Quote from: Rosti_LFC
If you've made a tactical error and stacked too high, and the 12 lines you get all at once kills you before you can recover, then you've clearly not outperformed your opponent in every way.
Okay, here you're comparing apples to oranges. Clearly if you make a blunder, you're not outperforming your opponent. I'm talking about receiving 20 garbage rows at once in a 6-way game after the first wave of Tetrises. That's what could happen in Tetris Splash, and that's how I could lose to players I've out performed in every way.

Quote from: Rosti_LFC
And if people are prepared to wait for the target symbol to sit on your field before they clear lines, then again, they're just out-thinking you (and there are ways to counter it usually) .

Okay, so say players can skillfully time the targeting mechanic. Let's say this results in 0% luck. The system is still unfair, just in a different way now. For example, my friends and I used to play FFA Super Smash Bros. My friend's older brother was the best player. Instead of actually improving our skills to beat him, we'd of course take advantage of the fact that we could gang up on him--knocking him out first to improve our chances of winning. Really, this hurt us in the long run, but I can't see of a better way to design Super Smash Bros. FFA without breaking some of its core paradigms.

The difference is that for Tetris, there is a better way, and without breaking any core elements. It's not a necessary evil. It's completely unnecessary, in fact--for the reasons I've previously mentioned. It's an unnecessary evil. It's just a straight up evil evil! In fact, up until Tetris DS, send to all was standard. Tetris Worlds Live for Xbox, for example, was very fair, super fun, popular, and very social!

Quote from: Rosti_LFC
I think you're just missing an entire strategic aspect of how you're meant to play when there's more than three people. Just because you think you're outperforming your opponent in all criteria does not mean there can't be other criteria you're perhaps not considering and aren't experienced enough with.

I think you're so accustomed to the targeting system (by your own admission), that you're reluctant to give up these strategies you've invested time into honing. You're saying there's value in these side-effect criteria, but I'm saying that there's a better, fairer way to play in the first place.


haha i made a troll thread and i didnt even suspect it.
You guys are good.