Mini Spins

Started by chopin, October 24, 2010, 01:24:38 AM

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Hello everyone. So it turns out that there are probably a lot of Mini-Spin (Singles?) possibilities when All Spin scoring is on (using 4-point detection). There are probably many that none of us have seen before. I think that all that is required for a mini spin to be registered is that it has to kick before it's final position as well as satisfy the 4-point detection.

I'm interested in learning more of the EZ Spins. Do you guys know of any odd/new ones?

Here are some examples of Mini spins that clear only one line:


Nah, it has to do with which points are filled -- just like T Minis. Vicar had a good diagram of it, but I can't find it right now.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Also, what makes a spin a mini on NullpoMino? Something like this count as a mini, right? So does it have to be kicked before it locks in? If it's a natural rotation will it not be a mini?

These can lead to Mini- Setups


Oh Nullpomino? It depends on whether you're using 4-point or Immobile. 4-point is like Amagami. Now that I think of it, I believe myndzi originally wrote it so kick spins in Immobile are Mini -- a precursor to KoS's Mini rules. We can change that at some point, perhaps.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Quote from: Kitaru
Nah, it has to do with which points are filled -- just like T Minis. Vicar had a good diagram of it, but I can't find it right now.

The principle is simple for every piece except O (which can't twist) and I (which doesn't fit in the box).

Draw a 2x3 box around the tetrimino.

If one of the cells is empty, it's a mini.

If both are filled, and one of the other 4 points is occupied, it's a full spin.

The I is a special case, as a 2x3 box does not fit around it.

Instead, the two points checked for mini are on the sides, and offset by one row/column.

Note that it is quite possible for a S or Z to be immobile with only two of 4 points blocked.  This means that quite often your S/Z spin triples won't be scored as a spin at all!

A number of Vicars examples only block two points, and thus are not even a spin. The second one, for example, has only 2 points blocked, and therefore is not a mini because it's not a spin. The I example similarly only blocks 2 points.

Also note that there's a special exception for the "triple kick" (the one that makes the final position not overlap the initial one).  This is because any placement that uses it is guaranteed to be immobile, and thus it is always upgraded to a full spin, if it passes the main "3 out of 4 points" rule. (this MAY only apply to Ts, i don't have amagami tetris to test with)


I know that you have to use specific rotations and pre-rotations for certain spins. I don't play NullpoMino that much though, but I plan on to soon. I believe that some mini spins can be made by rotating a piece in and then rotating it back out.


I'm up for a series of test rounds to examine setups on KoS (especially if you let me win  ). Although of course that would mean for immobile spin detection.
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


I think I've seen SS do this one?