Come see the first screening in NYC of Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters

Started by mobuco, June 29, 2012, 06:45:06 AM

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The first screening in NYC of the documentary Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters is scheduled for July 26th at 7:30 at AMC Village 7 (at 11th and 3rd ave). It will only happen if enough people buy tickets beforehand. If you are in the NYC area or know anyone who is, please let them know abou the screening.

Here is the site to buy tickets...can't buy tickets at the door, you need to get them through the website:



there are a lot of users from NY on here but we already have a thread for the Ecstasy of Order

if Sisu's around that area he will definitely show up. lol

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I posted there as well. Also, that thread is for film festivals and this is not part of a festival. This screening will only happen if enough people get tickets.


Yeah, I don't understand why there's not more hype about this! I'd be there for sure if I lived in the area.


I want to see this as soon as possible, it looks great. I actually listened to a 45 minute radio interview a couple of days ago about it that I found on Youtube.


It is very entertaining, even for people who don't know tetris in and out. Probably more entertaining for casual fans because some details about gameplay are left out. It is about the NES version mainly and the newer gameplay (that I am not an expert on) is not discussed much.

If you will be in the NY area, you should come to the screening (if it happens). The DVD will be out very soon...get it through the website to get it earlier than amazon and/or bestbuy.


So the LA screening is now confirmed to happen and tomorrow is the last day to get tickets for the NY screening.

Please put the word out to anyone you know in NY...I really want to see this happen. It's been screened all over, but never in NY.



Only need 4 more ticket commitments.

5 hours left.  

EDIT: yay!


You said 5 hours left? I see 5 days left on the link to tugg.  I'm also not sure what the movie is about.  Is it a documentary?  I'll go if vip/virulent go.


From what I understand, they had around until a week before the event to get a certain number of people to pledge to buy tickets. Since they've reached the quota, the screening is now confirmed and online ticket sales are open up until the time of the event.

It's a documentary about some of the top players in the NES Tetris community, a little bit about the 1990 Nintendo World Championship, and the 2010 Classic Tetris World Championship. It's full of cool people, and it shows a perspective on the game that isn't oft-highlighted on Hard Drop.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Quote from: Kitaru
It's full of cool people

Like yourself!

Yes there needed to be 60 tickets sold by 7/19 and that happened, so now the rest are for sale until the day of the screening. I will be selling tickets at the door also if people are just walking by.

It is about NES mainly and like kitaru said it isn't harddrop's fav...but if you like tetris and documentaries then this would be something to see. Plus it's cheaper than a regular movie there.