Hi addicts

Started by spindizzy, August 10, 2009, 01:35:32 AM

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Well, I'm rusty, I'm here, bazza told me to join, so I did it.

I've played a bit lately but I've had some problems getting some games to work on my ridiculous computer, port issues. Also my downstacking is positively awful at the moment.

Hell kukra I'm an old man now, 36 and counting, don't expect great things  But if you want you can set me up as team leader anyway.

Kindly Thomas


it's been a long time spindizzy, good seeing you back in the tetris scene.  still playing guildwars?


I quit. The game got boring. It's dying and to be perfectly frank I don't like MMO games so much.

Say what you want about Tetris but you can't ever get really tired of Tetris... well, unless you play it for 8 hours a day for 5 years straight.

I'm having some problems with CPU lag when playing these new things in my browser. The game controls stall... I mean, I know I'm slow now, but at least I'm not 90bpm slow!! I think I need to reinstall Windows or something, might even try setting up a W9x system, always had an easier time with that before.

Good to see you too.


Quote from: spindizzy
I quit. The game got boring. It's dying and to be perfectly frank I don't like MMO games so much.

thought you were talking about tetris for a second there and i was thinking no way!! until i saw the MMO part and read the above post

it's good to see you back. i remember watching you when i started playing tetrinet2!

it's true... you can never get tired of tetris...


Well, well it was about time you appear Spindizzy. Even if you don't play, you can still take the role of a teacher here.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


hi!  you can spin!! :D  


ohh the boxer of tetris is back!

i used to study how this old man played and model my game after his


Spindizzy!  Haha welcome to the site   I'd love to see you on blockbox if you can get your PC issues resolved.  You may also be interested in TOJ, it's pretty fun.  Hope to see you around soon!


I don't have problems with gameplay lag, but I do two things before starting up Blockbox. First I set an 800x600 resolution (browser in full screen mode) to see the blocks better, but this may be useful in speeding up your PC. Secondly, I set the priority of both the Java task and the browser task all the way up. Also, there was a new Java version just recently updated, so you may try that too.


welcome spindizzy.

i also disable sounds in Blockbox, and it seems to help. there's an icon under the chat box that looks like volume control.


Well... I can't get it to connect to the server. It's likely a port/firewall/whatever issue.


Just to be sure, if you run into the java problem, you're hitting the middle ignore button, right?



'lo fellow oldtimer!