Tetris Friends vs Lockjaw

Started by Daxly, September 01, 2010, 06:59:09 AM

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I've read somewhere on the forum that Lockjaw and Blockbox should be better for 40 lines than TF should.

Im not an great tetris player - but my best on TF is 1.25.39 where on Lockjaw IF i get a really good game it always end up in 1.59 -

Is there somthing i should be focusing about in Lockjaw thats diffrent from TF ?


LJ and BB are speed clones. They are very reliant on DAS and AR which most TF players arent used to. It'll take time to get used to but in the long run learning these pay off.

When I first tried bb I couldnt get better than 2 mins...now I'm at 38.27
☠ ZeroT


Quote from: Daxly
I've read somewhere on the forum that Lockjaw and Blockbox should be better for 40 lines than TF should.

Im not an great tetris player - but my best on TF is 1.25.39 where on Lockjaw IF i get a really good game it always end up in 1.59 -

Is there somthing i should be focusing about in Lockjaw thats diffrent from TF ?

On tetris friends default settings when u keep pressing a key thereis a "small" delay between each column move of the piece, while on lockjaw this delay is reduced so by pressing a key the same amount of time on tf and on lockjaw ur piece will go more far on lockjaw.

Additionally, on tetris friends when you clear a line there is an animation that takes a small amount of time, when on lockjaw there is none.

These two features makes it theoretically easier to go fast on lockjaw than on TF, but if youre used to TF delays then youre gonna make more "zigzags" (i move to the left, oh! its gone too far, so i move to the right, oh its gone too far again, so i move to the left, etc...)


Quote from: Spirale
but if youre used to TF delays then youre gonna make more "zigzags" (i move to the left, oh! its gone too far, so i move to the right, oh its gone too far again, so i move to the left, etc...)
Lmao, I remember that.   But once your used to it, then that won't really happen.


Quote from: Spirale
Additionally, on tetris friends when you clear a line there is an animation that takes a small amount of time, when on lockjaw there is none.
There is an inherent one-frame minimum line clear delay in Lockjaw. 1/60th of a second might not mess you up right away, but I find a surprisingly high quantity of my inputs hit this window these days. I could leave Initial Rotate/Initial Hold enabled to prevent those inputs from being eaten, but I find more of my rotation inputs are left down between pieces than ones that are given during this window.

BlockBox and Nullpomino, on the other hand, do have a true zero-length line clear delay period. I'm starting to prefer Nullpomino for 40 Lines play these days since I'm still affected by some of the rarer BlockBox bugs, and I feel like I have to worry less about lag with a standalone client.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


@kitaru please remove th one frame during line clear delays for LJ!

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.