
Started by Ycan, July 19, 2010, 03:07:49 AM

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I started playing tetris again yesterday.
I know u can get those TP on TOJ only for yen now, so i decided to look for another tetris game.
NullpoMino seems to be good for me

But i have some problems with it.

1.How to change the delay between a lock and a new spawning block ?
Dunno whats it called, maybe Spawndelay. (English is not my native language )
But i think u know what i want to say. So block are comming faster, like in TOJ.

2.When i got a L-Block for example and its on the very left side, i cant turn it. the wall blocks it.
Is it possible to change this like its in TOJ ?

3.T-Spinning seems to be impossible too, it locks to fast on the bottom. Especially in a gap of blocks.
It doesnt seem to lock that fast on an empty floor. There i can turn it up to 10~15 times, till it locks down.

The Lineclear delay is ok the way it is, but im sure u can make it shorter. Where ? How. ? Which value to use ?

In other words. Is it possible to make the game playable as much as like TOJ ?

Thanks in advance.
Sry for crap english ^^


you selected wrong rule, go to config > rule select and select standard zero.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


1.How to change the delay between a lock and a new spawning block ?

This delay depends on which mode you're playing. It's called ARE. If you want no delays, then set ARE, ARE LINE, and LINE DELAY to 0. Lock delay should be left alone because that's the delay before a piece locks after it's touched the field or the ground. Alternatively, you can select Standard-Zero or one of the other rules which override these delays.

2.When i got a L-Block for example and its on the very left side, i cant turn it. the wall blocks it.

Main screen > config > rule select
Choose one of the 'standard' types. Standard-Zero is probably the fastest. The readme_en.txt file has more information about all the different rules.

3. The above should solve this problem too.


Wow, works really great.
Tank you very much.
I tried a lot of diffrent rules, but missed this one.

Gonna play a bit now, maybe i have some more question later on :>



Hey, its me again.
I played a couple of rounds now.
Its impressive how smooth it is  I love it.

But, is it possible to set the DAS a bit lower ?
I tried different values in the editor and ingame but no difference.

DAS is the sensibillity of the blocks when i move them left or right, isnt it?



<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 85px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:85px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


Thank you sir, thats exactly what i wanted to know




Ah, its ok guys.
I found it myself.
What i was looking for was the DAS Delay