Tetris causes ADD

Started by Chumpsquid, December 03, 2010, 05:33:46 PM

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I dunno, guys... The Tetris Effect naturally dissipated for me after about a week of playing. I haven't seen mind-tetrominoes in a very, very long time...
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Quote from: Zircean
I dunno, guys... The Tetris Effect naturally dissipated for me after about a week of playing. I haven't seen mind-tetrominoes in a very, very long time...

Wow, you're a lucky one then...
I'm particularly right-brained... been playing tetris for 3 years and the result? I still get it.  

The ribs in my anatomy class look like line pieces....


Pfft. If not Tetris pieces, I see code when I'm not coding. That's not always a bad thing, though. I've solved problems like that.

Still, I can't escape it.

I'm an admin over at Visionary Tales. Yeah, we're a role playing forum. Yes, this means I'm geekier than you are.


Invest in sports
Keeps your mind off of this


Quote from: Maii04
Invest in sports
Keeps your mind off of this

I'm in varsity vball.  Still doesn't do any good!