[TOJ] DAS Speed

Started by TheHam, September 21, 2009, 04:45:54 PM

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Is TOJ w/ DAS Level 4, considered "fast" DAS?  The reason I'm asking is that it feels faster to DAS to the wall, and then tap back, than to tap-tap-tap.  If it's actually faster, I'll learn how to do that.


with level 4, i think it's faster to tap tap tap instead of DAS to the wall and tap back. level 5 is fast enough to DAS and tap back though

lvl4 = around 8 DAS in blockbox
lvl5 = around 5-6


Quote from: meow
with level 4, i think it's faster to tap tap tap instead of DAS to the wall and tap back. level 5 is fast enough to DAS and tap back though

lvl4 = around 8 DAS in blockbox
lvl5 = around 5-6

i think level 4 on TOJ is way slower than 8 DAS on BB.  Feels more like 12 or higher DAS.  And to TheHam - no level 4 isn't considered "fast DAS" , it's leaning towards the slow side but it isn't too slow.


oh, i knew it was slower!

i need a level 4.5 for TOJ =(


How do I change my DAS? And unlock all 6 tetromino previews? I accidentally set it to one    


Okay, thanks I'll just keep tap-tap-tap ing.  At Level 5 though, DAS and back?


das 4 is definitely slower than 8 on bb...
if u say 5 is around 5-6 i might have to farm 5k tp for das 5 =[


Its not the das thats the problem, its the terrible AR.
Level 5 das is very fast but the ar is still sh**. So u just md more.
Level 4 das is imo perfect but the ar is so sh** that u can't das-tapback.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.