Tetris Friends Live strategy?

Started by Blink, August 26, 2009, 08:15:15 PM

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Perfect clears send 10 lines and no garbage for the line clear and no combo garbage, so an all clear single is the same as an all clear tetris 10 combo.  It's dumb because if you're in position to do an all clear tetris or a double followed by a double all clear, you can actually send one more line of garbage by doing the doubles instead of the tetris.


Quote from: iphys
  I often get the feeling that someone else or myself is being specifically targeted with a lot of garbage, and I assumed it was the players trying to target the greatest threat in the room.  

there is nothing like landing in 2nd place and seeing you sent 20-30% more garbage then 1st place.

I've had games where I came in 4th, the game went on for a full minute longer yet I sent more garbage then anyone else.  TF does some equalizing when you are playing in a room with many players.  for this reason I stopped playing in rooms with more then three total players.


If you're too greedy on the combo or T-spin strategy and I send lines to the one that has the following, IKOU, maybe.


Something else I just noticed is those EZ T-spins that send no garbage will actually activate the B2B bonus for your next T-spin or Tetris, so they might not be a complete waste of time, although it's hard to say whether it's worth the trouble of soft dropping for that 1 extra line of garbage they can potentially generate.


when i use the 3 column combo i can usually get 2 or 3 t spin mini singles on my down stack that should add a few extra lines:)
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nah, tspin minis dont add any lines on tf live


I am a T-Spin Whore, but use combo's frequently. I tend to keep my field downstacked but it depends on the opponent, if it's someone better than me i'm more careful and T-Spin less. I'd say Combo's are definitely Key to winning for the average player.


So I played this some more today.  I think I have some pretty solid strategies now for both TOJ and TFA.  With the removal of E+ and the much neater garbage (combo garbage included), here is how my strategies differ between TOJ and TFA.

TOJ: Attempt more combos, less back to backs, only accept garbage instead of cancelling it when it's an incoming Tetris or TSD/TST.  If opponent = combo starter, start with a combo too.

TFA: Go Back to back crazy, don't go for combos unless skimming, accept any garbage when field is low, if opponent is low stack up for a double tetris/tsd before sending.  If opponent = combo starter, start with a combo or take initial garbage and cancel the rest but keep the incoming garbage hole open.


tfa = spam tetris.. dont even need to tspin to win


My TF strategy is this:

Quick stacker Opponent: Go for a PC, if it isn't happening turn it into a TSD setup and then stackup, leaving the tsd for cancelling the first part of their dump.
Garbage Wait Opponent: I go for Xeals tsd tst tsd setup
PC Opponent: PC faster than them

Start with a b2b tetris or PC then stay as low as possible digging and doing tsds. I don't like to have more than 6 lines on my screen at a time until only one person is left alive due to the (well it seems to me at least) unfair garbage distributing system.

I find I die in group matches if i stack up much due to the garbage handicap (and me sucking). There's no benefit in going for the big kills and putting yourself at risk =\


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.