New Mode Ideas

Started by Magnanimous, March 02, 2010, 07:10:44 PM

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One of my life goals is to make a full Tetris clone. I'm not going to get around to actually writing the code anytime soon, but I've thought a lot about how to make it stand out... And I've come up with a few ideas for new game modes. (Criticism would be appreciated.)

The first one was the Push mode that I posted last year... It still sounds sort of cool, so I'll (hopefully) include it along with regular Push.

Second is sort of a rough combination of 40L and Block Driller. The player starts with this field...
... And the goal is to clear the bottom line. Basically, you have to drop one I into each hole while figuring out what to do with the other six blocks.  Leaderboards would show who can do it the fastest.

The third one's a little weird. I've been playing a lot of Game Boy tetris recently, and it's really annoying how much the piece randomizer screws me over sometimes. So instead of having to wait for the game to give you a specific piece, you can reshape the current piece into whichever one you want with a little work:

Think of each tetramino as four separate blocks, as opposed to one structure. When the tetramino is falling, gravity affects each piece individually, meaning that even if one square lands on an overhang, the other three can still drop... Which can change the overall shape of the block.

The only restriction is that the block must always be a legal tetramino... Otherwise, it'd get a little crazy.

To make the game hard, you'll have to use the Bastet randomizer, or something really close to it.  (In Bastet(Bastard Tetris), the game chooses what piece to give you by analyzing the field and deciding which one would help you the least.) It'll be the player's job to turn whatever piece they start with into something useful.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


in your push mode, it looks like player 1 could nearly top player 2 out with one more tetris. maybe the adds are a little too extreme?

the 2nd mode is interesting. it reminds me of low rider mode in Lockjaw, where you're playing with a really low ceiling.

i wasn't sure about the 3rd mode, until you mentioned the randomizer  it really could work!


if you make a clone and stuff
can i be admin
i'll be your number one clone fan!  

i like the driller + 40 lines idea
seems a little complicated.. but its definitely something different

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: jujube
in your push mode, it looks like player 1 could nearly top player 2 out with one more tetris. maybe the adds are a little too extreme?
It'll probably be played in a 10x40(?) well like on TDS Push, so there will hopefully be a little more room.

Quote from: jujube
i wasn't sure about the 3rd mode, until you mentioned the randomizer  it really could work!
Lol yeah... With a normal randomizer, it'd be really easy.  

Also... Somebody think of a name for my clone. I can't think of one.  
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Quote from: Magnanimous
Also... Somebody think of a name for my clone. I can't think of one.  

Totally random idea: Magnet


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Naming it after myself would be a little vain... But I like Magnet.  It's like a combination of Magna and Tet(ris).
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


The second one looks like the opening layout of a Field Climber level.

Reshaping blocks as they land reminds me of the tetraplets (pieces with blocks joined at corners) from Tetris 2.


the third idea is interesting but still way to easy.

ALl you have to do is place all pieces vertically.

Ther are effectively only 3 pieces then


it will be almost impossible to create holes, and when you do, they will be cleared out easily.

Maybe in 20G without wallkicks it would be somewhat difficult?


I would like to see a team mode that is 1v1.

For example:

Player 1     Player 2        vs                 Player A   Player B

Player 1
Player A


Player 1
Player A

Player B replaces his team mate Player A.

Player 1

Player B


Quote from: zaphod77
the third idea is interesting but still way to easy.
What if piece rotation was disabled?   That'd be interesting.

Quote from: Someone2knoe
I would like to see a team mode that is 1v1.
That's pretty cool... It reminds me of fighting games where a new character jumps out when someone gets KO'd.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Quote from: Magnanimous
What if piece rotation was disabled?   That'd be interesting.

That actually might get challenging once the gravity ramps up. YOu'd be forced to pyramid again. Until then, you just drop the column of 3 in th elowest spot except for the tetris hole.

I still think I could forever it, but that's worth a shot.

Actually with no rotation we can't use an adversarial randomizer.

Because then it could just avoid giving you O I and L (or J for ARS), forcing a topout because you can only add 1 brick to column 10 and more to the others.

Actully it would just give you I pieces, which cannt bend so you'd be unable to rotate them to vertical, and you wouldn't get a single line.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
I would like to see a team mode that is 1v1.

I posted a similar idea in a Blockbox thread, but instead of playing 1v1, the idea was that garbage was only sent to one of the opponents. The "front" one, if you will. When he lost, then garbage would be sent to his other teammate. The purpose was a vs mode where the teammates weren't just both doing the same thing.

The "practice modes" suggested in another thread would be fun, too, but you could turn them into currently unused(?) game types. For example, a hybrid between driller and survivor with the goal but rated by garbage added. You would start with a screen mostly full of garbage (don't want them to be playing 40lines, after all, but I suspect a good player would be able to do better than someone playing 40lines), and for every line you clear, another line of garbage is added, so your garbage always stays the same height.

I once had a silly idea that had to do with Tetris and RPGs. You could take a small component from that and apply it to straight up classic tetris (without special item types) and allow vs between players who get to choose between, say, three field shapes... example: 8x25, 10x20, 12x16. Garbage would have to be sent by way of scaling and some sort of buffer system (for example, instead of sending "lines" you send "blocks", and they only get added to an opponent's field when you have added enough blocks to make lines on their field width). I thought I had three sizes picked out that had the same area, but I don't recall the numbers. The idea would be that the wide fields send more "damage" when clearing lines, but take longer to fill, whereas the narrow ones are hard to stack in, send less damage, but can do it much faster. Maybe in the end the variety wouldn't serve any purpose and everyone would tend towards a specific one, I dunno.

Just some ideas.