Why all tetris clones fail

Started by oliv, March 03, 2010, 04:27:00 AM

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Quote from: oliv

What do you think ?

I think texmaster is fantastic... or are you only talking multi-player?


he is talking about an open source tetris game




Quote from: meow
he is talking about an open source tetris game

the topic mentions all clones, then oliv goes on to suggest creating an open source game.


I'd rather there not be all these clones and that everyone was united under one recognized game, under one roof.

But I don't think any of these clones OR official games we have currently are up to par. Tetris already has a big dividing wall between the TGM solo players and the multiplayer generation.

A TetriNET3 would be the best game ever, someone needs to get that master code and open source it and fix and improve all the issues on TNET2.

Blockbox would be straight but it needs to be a client and not browser-based, some people are bitching about the lag on it. Blockbox + teams feature and a prettier interface would be great too. Some people want it to have soft drop too.

TOJ needs to be in ENGLISH and and the file size not be so damn huge and when the piece comes down you can actually see what the hell it is <- this is a huge design flaw that turns me off.

Quote from: oliv
all clones fail until the ultimate clone !

yes we need an ultimate clone or an ultimate product by the tetris company that will satisfy everyone and there is no confusion of who the top players in multiplayer are because there will simply be one standard, one game.

I am personally opposed to combos and t-spins because 1) they weren't in Tetris originally and 2) I'm not a fu**ing noob. In my opinion TTC ruined the whole system by integrating combos and t-spins.  spindizzy completely agrees but I forgot how he worded it exactly. but people shouldn't be rewarded for misdrops - t-spins. t-spins are just fancy tricks, there should be a separate game mode/type for them but they shouldn't be incorporated into the add system and minimizing the power of raw tetrises. people shouldn't be rewarded for combos just because that's how they like to play. TTC never should have given t-spins or combos near as much add power as a Tetris. it's bullshit. there can be separate game types like combo war and t-spin war but don't mix them in with tetrises which is the heart of how adds are sent.

on the current official games they make downstacking wayyy too easy and doesn't teach you how to add and downstack effectively at all. I wanted to vomit when commentating on all of your TF Live matches. Thats why I stick to tnet2 because it is f*cking legit. fair garbage and no confusing add system. lines to all, 1 tetris = 4 lines sent, 3 lines = 2 lines sent, 2 lines  = 1 sent. This means a hell of a lot more to me than whether you can twist the pieces at the top or the nit-picking about the rotation system and all of that. anyone who calls themselves good should be beast at tnet2. otherwise you Suck.
"Put some stank on those blocks."


multrinet is in Java, and IIRC aioobe said he will open source it. It has more features than any other Tetris multiplayer game.

Making something open source dosn't magically make more people work on it. Open source project dies same way when nobody works on it.

And there were never be ultimate clone, different people have different goals and visions. Think about Linux distributions, etc.
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What about Heboris UE which was always open-source but with the code being such a mess that it was rewritten... 3 times?

Heboris UE
Heboris Lite
Heboris Mini

Also the game was ported to C or C++ at one point, whatever happened to that? (I didn't play it much because it still took more time to load the game than to dig a hole to China)


This is a good idea. However, any such project is eventually bound to come under TTC's notice sooner or later.


Quote from: SecretSalamander
What about Heboris UE which was always open-source but with the code being such a mess that it was rewritten... 3 times?

Heboris UE
Heboris Lite
Heboris Mini

Also the game was ported to C or C++ at one point, whatever happened to that? (I didn't play it much because it still took more time to load the game than to dig a hole to China)

Nullpomino has been absorbing all of my tetris playtime these days!


But I don't think any of these clones OR official games we have currently are up to par. Tetris already has a big dividing wall between the TGM solo players and the multiplayer generation.

The split in the multiplayer users is also part of the problem.

A TetriNET3 would be the best game ever, someone needs to get that master code and open source it and fix and improve all the issues on TNET2.

Issues like implementing SRS, using the official hold, and maybe a 10-width well? Hello Blockbox.

TOJ needs to be in ENGLISH and and the file size not be so damn huge and when the piece comes down you can actually see what the hell it is <- this is a huge design flaw that turns me off.
yes we need an ultimate clone or an ultimate product by the tetris company that will satisfy everyone and there is no confusion of who the top players in multiplayer are because there will simply be one standard, one game.

Check out the TOJ patch or actually try TOJ in Japanese for about an hour before deciding it's too hard to use. The file size isn't huge at all considering the size of games nowadays. And it's worth it for all the nice graphics and sounds, and also the non-laggy gameplay. Didn't you say you wanted a client? So far, you're the only one I've seen complain about the above ceiling spawning problem. You've played enough of Blockbox to be able to adjust to the guideline spawn positions. I admit that without ghost, it's a problem; but with ghost piece enabled, it's fine.

I am personally opposed to combos and t-spins because 1) they weren't in Tetris originally and 2) I'm a fu**ing noob. In my opinion TTC ruined the whole system by integrating combos and t-spins.  spindizzy completely agrees but I forgot how he worded it exactly. but people shouldn't be rewarded for misdrops - t-spins. t-spins are just fancy tricks, there should be a separate game mode/type for them but they shouldn't be incorporated into the add system and minimizing the power of raw tetrises. people shouldn't be rewarded for combos just because that's how they like to play. TTC never should have given t-spins or combos near as much add power as a Tetris. it's bullshit. there can be separate game types like combo war and t-spin war but don't mix them in with tetrises which is the heart of how adds are sent.

That's what I thought at first, but I've grown to like it more than 'pure' Tetris. If they implemented other spins like S/Z/L/J/I, that would be going pretty far, but the way it is now is fine in my opinion. T-spins aren't just fancy tricks. It takes good reading skills to chain a long combo; something I don't see often in 'pure' games.

on the current official games they make downstacking wayyy too easy and doesn't teach you how to add and downstack effectively at all. I wanted to vomit when commentating on all of your TF Live matches. Thats why I stick to tnet2 because it is f*cking legit. fair garbage and no confusing add system. lines to all, 1 tetris = 4 lines sent, 3 lines = 2 lines sent, 2 lines  = 1 sent. This means a hell of a lot more to me than whether you can twist the pieces at the top or the nit-picking about the rotation system and all of that. anyone who calls themselves good should be beast at tnet2. otherwise you Suck.

I agree with the easy downstacking in official games. Actually, I think it's pretty tough for slow players because you have to be fast to get to your Ts and Is. 4/2/1 places a lot of emphasis on Tetris spamming in the openings. Skills like planning and creativity mean a lot more to me than Tetris spamming the sh** out of your opponent. Sorry to say, but tnet2 is the past. I loved it but I can't go back.


All games eventually fail because they get old and people stop playing them. Being open source or not open source has nothing to do with it. Don't think that the current version of tf/TOJ will still be around in 10 years, because they won't. Everyone will move to tf/TOJ version 2020 and forget what we have today.


I agree that game like this would be great, but i don't think it can happen anytime soon. Tetris community is too small and it's to weak (only few people want to contribute). I think tetrisconcept.net is bit better for things like this, there are few people there who work on their own games or extend other one's games (nullpomino is good example).

But even if good game is created it's very hard to get user base for (multrinet for example  ). I think blockbox is only successful fan multiplayer game in recent years, and i think this is only because it was available before tf live. Now when tf live/arena is popular it is very hard to have successful fan multiplayer game.

It's quite sad, but seems tf arena is only multiplayer game in active development today. TOJ and Blockbox are not getting any significant updates from months now. Maybe our only hope is to try influence TF to change their game more to our liking. Some kind of open letter with our demans. I know they don't know how to listen community, but maybe we can teach them.
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Quote from: olivI would like us to make a linux kernel of tetris, that is, the ground basis for making any other tetris game we would want.
That's what Lockjaw was supposed to be, at least for single-player tetromino games. It even has options for recognizing J-spins (etc.) but making them weaker: try spin detection = Immobile and scoring = LJ nerfed spin. And before Ubuntu 9.04 broke sound in Allegro games (pulseaudio does not like unsigned 16-bit PCM), I was even running it on Linux.

The real barrier here is the lack of a precedent decided by a judge about what Tetris Holding actually owns. Every case so far has settled.