Blockbox - SRS vs. ARS vs. BRS

Started by wheeler99, December 30, 2009, 05:57:41 PM

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I am a recent convert from tetris friends to blockbox after reading about its many advantages.

I would like to know the to know the pros and cons of each rotation type so any useful comments would be greatly appreciated.

also, could anyone enlighten me as to what an SRS kick is?


I don't know if this will be any helpful but I noticed that BRS and SRS are nearly the same, however in BRS S/Z and I have only two positions, while in SRS they have 4 positions. Right ?


Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


SRS is the rotation system guideline games use while ARS is the rotation system the TGM series use. Every piece, except the O piece, have 4 states while every piece on ARS and BRS has only 2 states. SRS and BRS have the same initial positions. You can check the wiki for more info on these rotation systems
It really depends on what you want to play SRS is more suitable for 0G and ARS for 20G.

Theres 2 types of kicks:
A floor kick
A wall kick
It's all about the love


Thanks, looks like I'll stick to SRS then.


I think this is all explained pretty thoroughly in the tetris-wiki
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's