PSP Tetris

Started by jujube, October 05, 2009, 08:12:35 PM

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does anybody have this game yet? from the gameplay vid embedded in that review, it looks pretty similar to Tetris Pop for cell phones (a collection of mini games with cascade gravity), with the addition of standard marathon and a couple sprint variants. the DAS looks reasonably fast. unfortunately there's no multiplayer, which i can't understand. it doesn't look to me like the single player modes are challenging enough to keep your interest for a long time, while multiplayer would give you a reason to keep coming back. but if you have a PSP and don't have any cell phone tetris games already, it's probably worth getting, so you have some kind of portable tetris.


hmmm, note on the no multiplayer, its psp isnt it? possibly software update... anything can happen, but it looks at least good enough to kill some time right? on the bus, back of the class room, multiplayer would be sick though x)
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


got to play it for a bit on my friend's psp go. it's ok to pass the time and there are a lot of different single player modes but it's pretty slow and the form factor of the psp go really didn't allow me to fully enjoy it. Also the 10 dollar price tag is pretty hefty. I thought the whole point of the psp minis was for it to compete with cell phone and iphones games. iphones games are cheaper, than 10 dollars so for that price they should have atleast included some local multiplayer. If I need to play some tetris on my psp i'll stick with lockjaw and GBA emulator.
Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


Don't forget iPhone Tetris was indeed $10 when it first came out.

Maserati and I were talking about this a couple of days ago. I have Pop, and he has this. It looks like this is pretty much Pop, but with records. Pop didn't have records, so after you did everything, you were "all done." Pop had zero replayability.

Is that ARE I see? Live TPM... cool.


Tetris PSP (Minis) has a language option for the game, and you can see what does "Hold" and "Next" translated to. If anyone plays Tetris PSP (Minis) in French, German, Spanish, or Italian, would you please give the translations for "Hold", and "Next"?


I just bought this last night, nothing good from the PSN store (like most weeks) and got 100% this morning. I've never had as many misdrops as I did on this version usually overshooting stops and having pieces move AFTER I let go of the directional pad. Playing some of the modes on 15 is quite fun like Freeze, though most of the time I just cascaded a piece and caused frozen lines to activate twice. Sadly they needed to include these modes for a full length marathon game, but oh well.

This game just feels slow, I'm barely able to crack 60TPM on most modes, and only hitting 70+ when I'm playing 15 (which is like not even softdrop, just hitting down to lock.)
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Quote from: HsanrbI've never had as many misdrops as I did on this version usually overshooting stops and having pieces move AFTER I let go of the directional pad.
I agree with this, the directional buttons on the PSP suck for that matter. >>
Plus, you can't move a piece left or right while softdropping, which I find sucky.